Unbeknownst to either group, another man would soon come to join the fray. Travis was on his way to the very same local shop that was in the alleyway. He had already done his daily training and decided to blow off some steam. Rest after training was always important and there was no way he'd be in peak condition to fight if he was constantly exhausted after all. Moreover, rumors that the Champion of Naga would soon return were also very prevalent. Suffice to say, he really wanted to meet the man who would be responsible for ending the church's crusades, which he found very moronic in the first place. As he arrived just outside of the shop, he noticed a small bit of commotion going on nearby. [color=f7976a]"Probably just some morons fooling around."[/color] He grumbled to himself, pulling out his sword from behind his back. Upon further inspection, however, he seemed to recognize one of the individuals involved. [color=f7976a]"Lucky me..."[/color] The very tactician chosen to end the war was right in front of him. He matched what was shown on his bounty poster exactly, urging Travis even more to fight. [color=f7976a]"Well, well, what's going on here?"[/color] Travis said, appearing just besides another swordsman who seemed to have everything under control.