[color=ed1c24]"...I'll see you puny fools in the Abyss, then... the war has only begun..."[/color] Jade became distracted by the demon, watching as Edict took over the battle, only for the demon to off itself. [i]Well fuck, that was anti climatic...and here I thought things were about to get interes-[/i] Her train of thought was interrupted, she was placing her Kansa back on her hip when a piece of wood fell from the ceiling and hit her arm just above her elbow. [color=1a7b30]"Ah! FUCK!"[/color] Taking a knee, she held her arm, cussing under her breath when she heard, [color=aba000]"please feel free to use the salve if your hurt guys..." [/color] She hadn't even realized that other people had shown up as the pain of the burn seemed to occupy most of her thoughts. [color=1a7b30]"Pass me some of that shit."[/color] She said as she stood and walked to the bar, pouring alcohol over the burn, her face blanched as the pain skyrocketed to a whole new level. [color=1a7b30]"Fucking coward, we almost had him..."[/color] She said, only to hear the woman that was with her, Isabel agree with her. [color=00a99d]"pfft... coward indeed"[/color]. She made no comment as the others started going on about trivial matters that didn't include her. Having had enough of the smoke, Jade slipped one of her brass knuckles on her left hand, seeing as her right arm was burned and currently inoperable, she started to head for the door. Sweat dripped down her body, it was beginning to damage her leather and the smoke wasn't helping her breathing either. [@ArenaSnow] [@IcePezz] [@ElitestPotato] [@WanderingRebel] [@boomlover]