Keith was tired of searching for work to do. He missed the days when work just came flooding to him. Nowadays, it's hard to find something that even paid enough to buy a meal; when you aren't part of a gang, it's even harder. Luckily for Keith, he had been in one of the biggest gangs in the Undercity for years and a few of the shopkeepers still relied on his skills from time to time. Not to mention, it was difficult for many Undercity-dwellers to find someone as willing and as capable as Kieth was to take care of their... problems. Andrew Korbil's shop was one of the most frequented in the area by many, and Keith was still "welcome" to pawn whatever junk he came across there. Keith knew, however, that Korbil wasn't particularly fond of him since he had stopped speaking. It gave him an air of dark intimidation, and he was fine with that. Fear was a useful tool in the Undercity. Keith patted the navy blue dufflebag that was slung over his shoulder as he walked in to signify that this wasn't a transaction to be made in public. Korbil gave Keith a wide berth while he walked to the door, barred it, and turned the 'Open' sign around to read 'Closed'. "This better be something good," Korbil half-whispered as he walked back to the counter. Keith slid the zipper open and spread the bag enough to reveal a standard issue police shotgun and shock baton. "Again? Are you fucking kidding me?! And you came here right after? You'll bring them right fucking to me!" This was the second time in two weeks that Keith had knocked out a police officer to pawn off their weapons. "Did they see you? I mean you stick out like a fucking sore thumb for Christ's sake." Keith subtly shook his head, his eyes fixed on Korbil's. Korbil muttered something under his breath, and reached under the counter to grab Keith's money. Keith laid the weapons on the counter and Korbil laid the money down next to them. Keith counted the money, and it was two dollars less than last time. He shot Korbil a look, his eyes burning with anger. Korbil cursed under his breath and dropped the two dollars on the counter. Kieth turned and went out, unbarring the door himself and slamming it behind him. As Keith walked towards the house, he stopped by a food stand with a neon green sign flashing overhead. He pointed a thick finger to the only thing they were selling, meat on a stick. The old vendor held it out with the stick towards Keith, his hand wrapped around the curious meat. Keith took it and left what he owed in front of the bedraggled man. As he approached the house, he noticed the two youngest of his group in front, chatting. The boy gave him an uncomfortable glance as he walked past into the house. He gave a slight nod to the two girls in the corner, threw his dufflebag down and sat on his mattress to count his net earnings for the day.