Hm... there are two issues with your application... 1.) Beldum are a genderless species, listing either male or female in this field is pointless. Please mark the 'gender' field with a '-' sign. I'm fine with you referring to your character as a 'he', but 'he' isn't technically male. 2.) Most mystery dungeons in this RP don't have floors. Crystal chasm is, ironically, a single-floor dungeon. The reason for this is simply due to the fact that it's a beginner dungeon, and said cave has three exits all of which are at ground level. (One that exits out near Scale City via hidden passageway, one that exits out into the distant desert, and one that's usually used as an entrance) ... I'd also prefer if you added some more to your bio, but unless Kabling yells at you, it's not necessary.