Hi, figured I might drop in a CS because I heard this was still open and had my interest peeked. I've not done this particular type of RP before, but I'm interested in trying to see how I go. Thanks. [hider= Victoria Nikitina] [center] [h3] [color=a187be]Victoria Nikitina[/color] [/h3] [[i]Виктория Никитина[/i]] [b]Age:[/b] [color=a187be]21[/color] [b]Gender:[/b] [color=a187be]Female[/color] [b]Species:[/b] [color=a187be]Shifter[/color] [i]Shifts are Full with no In-Between, she's either Human or Animal.[/i] [b]Sexual Preference:[/b] [color=a187be]Bi-Sexual[/color] [b]Country of Origin:[/b] [color=a187be]Russia, though she knows English well and lives in America.[/color] [b]Companion:[/b] [color=a187be]Kubik[/color] [hr] [Hider=Appearance: Human Form] [img]http://www.onsecrethunt.com/wallpaper/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Cute-Russian-Winter-Girl-Wallpaper.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hr] [Hider=Appearance: Chosen Shift] [img]http://g04.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1qN7qIpXXXXclXVXXq6xXFXXXF/-font-b-White-b-font-font-b-Husky-b-font-font-b-dog-b-font.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hr] [b]Likes:[/b] [color=a187be]- Winter Weather - Being Active - Hiking / Being in the Wilderness - Animals, especially dogs.[/color] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [color=a187be]- Loud Noises - Large Overpopulated Areas - Being Confronted - Staying Inside All Day - Heights and Falling[/color] [hr] [b]Bio:[/b] [color=a187be]She doesn't share her history with many and being raised as a shifter, Victoria knew little of any other life, though with this raising she found she could work with some of the most troublesome of animals, she understood them a bit better (she can't hear their thoughts, she just understands their actions more than humans or others would). She had uncontrolled shifts from child to creature throughout her childhood, preventing her from attending any schools as her body worked its magic upon finding a form that suited her best. Her mother was a cougar, strong and muscular yet gentle towards those closest to her while her father was an owl, an odd yet wide creature as he and his wife began building a family. Victoria was their second child, though she knows nothing of her older sibling she never really asked as that was the way of her family. She wound up, at the age of 11 being a wolf in her final shift and it's stuck ever since. Though she's capable of other shifts, she'll always have the wolf etched into her heart. She's now 21 and moved about 2 years ago from her mother country to a new place to build a life. She's found herself as a Dog Trainer helping people with troublesome dogs and she'd recently adopted her own fuzzy companion to keep her company since things were just starting to get lonely. She travels a lot to keep herself fresh and occasionally watches houses while pet sitting to avoid having to rent a place in every new location. She sometimes wonders, while looking down at her wrist, if she'd ever find that somebody her parents told her was unavoidable in life. [/color] [hr] [b]Occupation: [/b][color=a187be]Dog Trainer / Dog Sitter[/color] [hr] [b]Feelings about meeting their soul mate:[/b] [color=a187be]Excited yet Fearful. Why? Because Victoria takes pride in her work with animals, she's only really enjoyed conversing with others when it came to the fuzzy creatures around her and her line of work allows her to succeed in just that. She is though excited as she's never felt any real connection or relation with anyone except her family who were no longer around to support her in this new country.[/color] [/center] [hr] [center] [h3]Kubik[/h3] [b]Age:[/b] 3-4 Months [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Husky [hr] [Hider=Appearance] [img]http://cdn-2.dooziedog.com/dog_breeds/siberian_husky/images/full/Siberian-Husky-Puppy.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center] [/hider]