Ashley looked down at her own wrist, her tattoo glowing brightly enough to actually appear through the bandages. She holds up her arm for Sven to see. Now that she had a better look at him, it was easier to judge what kind of guy he was. He was older than she was, a lot older. Maybe his late 20s, or early 30s. If he was 30, then going by the half plus seven rule, he shouldn't be able to date her, coming out to 22. Still, he didn't seem like an overt creep, and it wasn't like he was trying to come on to her. Besides, this is supposed to be destiny right? Pretty refined even. In her thoughts, Ashley had actually forgotten to look about trying to get this guy to his destination. She looks over to the side view mirror, there were some cars passing by so it would be awhile before she could actually start driving. Well, no point in wearing this bandage, she peels off the cloth, reading the mark on her arm for the first time in years. Oh. It said Sven Erveski. Why did she think she couldn't read it. Seemed to be written in the English alphabet, or characters close enough. Now she felt really stupid. Maybe it was because Ashley was high last time she tried reading the darn thing. "So, you're Sven?" Ashley felt like she should say more than that, but every time her brain looked in her head for more words they would disappear. Would Sven think she was anti-social or something? It wasn't a hard mistake to make, if you just looked at her and her choice of apparel. But it would definitely be a poor place to start.