Really interested! Name: Brother Vas, of The New Order Race: Human Gender: Male [hider=Appearance:][img][/img][/hider] Class: Cleric Job: Spiritual Adviser Weapon/Magical Abilities: - Silver Dagger: A sharp ceremonial blade for the use of holy rituals or cutting through the hearts of men or demons. Religious symbols cover the blade's entire surface. - "Sight Beyond Sight. Sense Beyond Sense.": Heightened and evolved senses reaching from the norm to the paranormal. Even without eyes to bare sight, Brother Vas can see more then the average man. - Healing Aura: A spell of pure holy energy to cleanse those wounded and begin the natural healing process. Will not restore a man to his full strength, but get them up and moving so they they may fight another day. - Sacred Fire: A small fire spell known by all in The New Order as a defensive measure. The flames cannot burn mortals of pure souls, only harming beasts of a dark brood. - Light of The Followers: A summoned orb of pure light that can illuminate the darkest depths. An ability meant to aid his fellow travelers then himself. Personality: [indent]Brother Vas is a more relaxed follower of scriptures, a kind soul who sees the gateway to the afterlife not in promises, but in action. The holy man is seen as a constant of charity and service to his fellow man. He is the type of holy man to sit a man down and drink them both under the table if it meant helping a poor soul through a rotten day. Outside of The New Order, Brother Vas is often found in crowded places speaking amongst every form of man, woman, or child. One's wealth, land, or privilege does not concern him, as all should be truly born equal.[/indent] Background:[indent]Brother Vas has spoken little of his past. Most followers of the gods know only that on day, after a great rainstorm had poured down upon the capital city, Vas was found at the front steps of The First Temple of The New Order. The sun arose from almost a week of harsh rain to shine down on a man with no eyes, the scars of some dark thing still ripped into his face. The Order took him in, healing his wounds and teaching him of their ways. Brother Vas found that he was quite adept at the holy arts, healing his face beyond anything any other follower could achieve. Brother Vas swore from then on to be at the service to any in need, a sentinel for the pure. He trained for years onward, learning many skills and values to teach others. He also swore to never take away anyone's ability to choose, believing that everyone deserved to follow their own paths to enlightenment. His reputation has spread throughout the land, making him an obvious choice to trek along with others to investigate the Slysari threat.[/indent] Other Information: - Being technically blind may lead to some awkward IC situations, so please have fun with it! - Brother Vas is a holy man in every sense, but sometimes a holy man must live a little outside the norm to still feel alive. Love, drink, and a little personal satisfaction is not forbidden by The New Order, just asked to be kept in good moderation. - Being able to see without sight and sense without senses may lead to some meta moments where Brother Vas will know someone's name or tell if someone is trying to get behind him. Only beings of darkness beyond the control of gods can really get the better of him, as they seem fuzzy and hard to see. If this isn't acceptable, we could all probably work something out without this being OP or breaking the game.