[u][b]Early Morning: Military Encampent[/b][/u] "Has anyone seen Zahir? Corporal Zahir! ZAHIR!" Captain Faller yelled to his company as he went through his roll call, nervously pacing back and forth. He was a rather imposing figure. Tall, built and took zero bull from his soldiers. But for some reason he couldn't control one...Zahir. "Dammit to hell! Were did that damn elf go to this time!" "Sir..." A private by the name of Felix called out, one of the few that Zahir considered something close to a "friend". Felix's eyes only met his Captain's for an instant before glancing over at the east gate, where the military encampment met the city. "What is it Private?" "Captain. Corporal Zahir has taken his R&R for this weekend." "This weekend!? I told him specifically that we had the major coming through this weekend for inspection and he was to run the inspection! This is outrageous!" The Captain cocked an eyebrow. He looked over at the gate and frowned his eyes squinting towards the gate. [i]That sonova...[/i] [b][u]Early Morning: Market District[/u][/b] He looked to the sky. It was a bit cloudy out where he was. Most of the time it was cloudy it was going to rain. [i]It seems like it's going to rain. Hmmm... Fitting for today I feel.[/i] A frown sat upon his face as he scanned over the hustle and bustle of the early morning market place. Women with their children shopping for their fresh meals, men on their way to work; some boys even selling newspapers or offering shoeshine in order to have a little extra cash to hang out with friends later on. He sighed as he moved towards the center of it all. Strapped to his back was a amplifier, a rather large one at that, roughly half his size. Black, with hints of grey here and there. Numerous knobs and buttons along the top for all kinds of sounds and effects, flanger, tube, wah and many others. He carried in his hands a long case, one that matched the amp which he carried. He set the amplifier down in the center of the market and sat down on it as he opened the case. A beautiful sunburnt finish guitar lay in the case. Its neck of an amber color with its body in a somewhat hourglass shape. In the case a set of picks and a couple cords. He took the cords out and plugged them into the guitar and amplifier before turning it on. A low hum came from it before he began to pick each chord in order to tune it. When Zahir finished, he gave a heavy sigh as put the guitar strap over his shoulder and took a step on top of the amp and began to play. (OST - Kamelot - Veil of Elysium) "GOODMORNING LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION!" He announced to the crowd with a bright smile across his face. A few in the crowd had stopped what they were doing and made their way over to him. A small group had gathered around, his smile still remained on his face as he scanned over everyone. "IT IS TIME FOR YOU ALL TO ENTER THE MIND OF ZAHIR! What kinds of monstrosities will be revealed? A story of betrayal? Or a ballad about a lost love? WHEN IT COMES TO ZAHIR, YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU MIGHT GET!" A shadow casted over his eyes. The massive smile that was once prominent on his face seized into a grimace of one. He raised his head to show saddened eyes. He took one breath and began: Hear my promise of blistering light~ Sowing a rose of obsidian~ My dear I promise death comestoall~~ Inaheartbeat~ only silence~ A whitish blue hue began to surround him as he played, the tempo began to pick up as he began to raise his voice. This causing the blue hue to travel down the cords and through the speaker which became to glow white as multiple voices began to be heard coming from it along with the sounds of other instruments; Violins, cellos, piano, drums and then it happened. Burst forth from the amp am orchestra of heavenly looking figures with wings, each one of them as beautiful as the last, singing along with him in the chorus, their voices and music carrying through the market district. many people within the area that could hear the sound stopped where they were to listen. Zahir continued to play as the chorus ended, the beautiful creatures poof'ed into a large cloud as it began to reform to the music in the form of backgrounds, scenes from tragic love stories of the city, their voices still carried through the cloud along with the instruments. [i]Beautiful song to a beautiful woman[/i] He thought as he played. He still remembered all those days with her, the days in the music shop, in the city gardens, all of it.