Race: Ungly-hai http://koutanagamori.deviantart.com/art/Lizard-man-168597199 (Not my drawing, pls don't sue me...) Bio: Hailing from the southern rainforest, the Ungly-hai are an advanced race of humanoid reptilians that specialize in politics and agriculture. As a peaceful people the Ungly-hai have honed their skills as great politicians and traders giving them an economic foothold over some nations, in addition not only are the Ungly-hai skilled politicians, they are expert farmers and have large clearings converted into farms. Because of this Ungly-hai cities are scattered loosely around the rainforest. The Ungly-hai religion is made up of three gods, Bulramal the god of wisdom, Kunramal god of life, and Yunramal god of death. The gods have very specific roles in Ungly-hai society, Traders and politicians worship Bulramal, Farmers and herders worship Kunramal, then warriors and Deathbearers worship Yunramal. The lifespan of and Ungly-hai is long ranging from 120-160 years old, an Ungly-hai matures at the age of 30 (they are able to reproduce at 20), A female can give (live) birth to a clutch of 3 or more. After birth the females must rest for at least a week, in that time the children will be cared for by the male. An Ungly-hai female can give birth up to three times if they decide to have a fourth clutch a female will pay with her life. Jobs: Trader(Common) Exchanges any food, weapons, and tools for money. Politician(Common) A diplomat that talks to other races and tries to set up trade routs peace treaties etc... Farmer(Very Common) A simple civilian that tends the fields of veggies. Smiths(Uncommon) Makes weapons and tools in exchange for Rok Builders(Common) Builds buildings for Ungly-hai cities Council Member(Very Uncommon) Lead politicians of the Ungly-hai race, makes the decisions of Going to War or Alliances with other factions. Warriors(Uncommon(unless at war)) Infantry for when the Council decides to go to war. Deathbearers(Uncommon) Skilled medics and healers that collect herbs and medicine for the sick/injured (Also bury the dead). Warlocks(Very uncommon) The scientists of the Ungly-hai researches new technology. Hunters(Very common) Hunt animals to feed the cities. Military: The Ungly-hai military specializes with light infantry and siege weaponry Infantry: Stalkershttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/fd/fa/bd/fdfabd0667223947a3bd44ecd44a3c6d.jpg Tridentshttp://www.algadon.com/images/monsters/lizard_warrior.png Shadowshttp://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/195/a/e/Lizardman_Archer_by_Walsidar.jpg Bleedershttp://fc04.deviantart.net/fs25/f/2008/086/3/a/Raptor_Warrior_by_predaguy.jpg Siege weapons/vehicles http://www.theevidence.org.uk/library/accurate4_4.gif http://gw2.mmorpg-life.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/catapult-Gw2-siege-weapons.jpg https://tristenheffelfingerkelseyroush.wikispaces.com/file/view/Siege_Tower.jpg/201887944/Siege_Tower.jpg Architecture and crafts: Ungly-hai are clumsy builders, most of their buildings and craft are (to say the least) crudely made with anything they can get their claws on. Only buildings with great importance (Council chambers, healer huts, farms, siege weapons) are built with the best builders the city has to offer, tools and weapons degrade fast so Smiths are a must with Army's or Warbands. Racial Characteristics: Tall(7ft-) Soft scales(Natural armor is shit) Long limbs(Has a better reach) Low light vision(Can see in the dark fairly well) Slow breeders(Every clutch must be birthed six months apart(Pregnancy last up to 5-7months)) Bright(Slightly better intellect then normal) Sociable(Society is everything(Must have a companion or someone to talk to)) Trusting(Not always a good thing) Clumsy builders and craftmen(Not that good at building Huts...) Techs: (So far) Stone weapons Agriculture NOTE: I know we are in the tribal stage so I have no siege weapons, just wanted to have an image for the future...