Now would be a really, really good time for that side plot to kick in. I gave it a lot of thought over the weekend and came very close to saying I was completely done with Feral. It's not that I don't enjoy interacting with you fine people, but right now school has me reading and writing hundreds of pages a week, and at work I'm a key member in a proposal, along with a few other projects. The end result is I'm doing an insane amount of reading, writing, and designing in a given week, and by the time I have ANY free time the thought of more reading or writing gives me a headache. If I can make it through until September without completely losing my mind a lot of the aforementioned stuff will fall off my plate and I'll be in a place where maybe/probably I'll want to be writing more, but right now I just don't have it in me. It was never my intention to go this long without posting, but the longer I went the more I thought about maybe hanging up the towel, and then I wanted to give it some more time. At the very least, I can promise I'll never bail without at least some sort of formal farewell and to make sure that one of the vets has all the remaining plot details, but for now I'm going to have to rely on you same vets to do your stuff while I ride this wave out.