When the fighting finally stopped, the bullets and botics no longer flying, Raa felt her body still. Her heart kept poking her ribs relentlessly and lungs seemed to lose air faster than it gained it, leaving her breathless with each inhale. It was like someone maliciously poked a hole into the fleshy bags and intended on leaving her to suffer. The young quarian’s eyes closed as she leaned further back against the metal supporting her back. Her bones had turned into food paste and left her struggling to keep upright, her hand collapsed while the gun slipped from her grasp and fell to the ground. She was shaking uncontrollably due to her closeness to the fight, several times nearly being clipped by the bullets missing their targets several times. Immediately she pulled her hands to her helmet and tried not to curl into a terrified ball. She barely noted that the turian had taken off his helmet and introduced to be none other than Solares Vanore, the very C-Sec officer who both got her involved with a tech bust and spared her from a miserable fate. She sat there listening to the VI react to Voira’s disgruntled comment. RK shrugged, the digital image made a common and uncaring gesture as she replied. “At least I warned you. I’m not exactly in the system after all and can’t track every single movement so how was I supposed to be able to detect a rogue Turian coming out of no where. I didn’t even notice he was there until his firearm betrayed him. Besides, my only concern is Raa after all. It’s not like you can’t handle yourself in the field.” As Voira brushed past the cabal, RK was already systematically checking Raa’s well being. Other than a fast heart rate and accelerated pulse, something reported normal after the stress, the quarian was perfectly alright. It made the VI relax as she turned to survey the scene opening out before the pair. Already Avatar and several cabalists were changing their focus upon the newly arrived turian. Two cabalist immediately had already teleported to his front, blocking and weapons drawn on him while ordering for rank and squadron. Meanwhile Voira was already screaming at the idiot until he finally removed his helmet. RK’s eyes narrowed in disapproval as she clicked her digital teeth together, under the helmet, making the sound radiate from Raa’s omnitool. “Should’ve known.” RK said in a distasteful tone then added when Voira crouched next to Raa and spoke. “Her vital signs are normal considering the stress, her emotions are highly escalated. Otherwise perfect health when she settles down.” RK stated when it took a moment for Raa to acknowledge Voira’s presence. Raa hands moved down, her eyes opened to look hard through the visor. Slowly she nodded then pulled a hand out and was pulled to her feet by Voira, her voice trying to sound stronger than it was. “I’m alright. I stayed well hidden and against the wall. What about you? Did you get hit?”