Vivian looked towards where Ashton was pointing to see the large white brick building, and she strained her hearing to catch what Ashton whispered. She nodded and said "Got it! Hang in there..." She hurried over to the building and before she could open the door, Ashton already did so for her. She entered the building and she saw the woman at the alter in the room. She took in the beautiful details of the temple that reminded her of Notre Dame. She looked to Ashton when his breathing became even more labored, and she looked to the woman when she stood up and welcomed them with open arms. She allowed the assistants to take Ashton off of her, and lead her to the side room. She nodded to Ashton when he called to her in a low tone, before she turned her attention back to the woman. She said to the woman "Thank you for helping Ashton," She then said as she started fishing out the letter and crystal Rura gave her, and she continued "You're right...Rura sent me," She handed the letter to the woman as she told her that Rura sent her.