By the sounds, Mithias knew Hale was giving Kami hell, and he could tell that, for the moment, the battle had moved away from him, leaving him luckily forgotten. Agonizing seconds went by, a lot of them, and Mithias couldn't fight. He'd just be a meal if he tried to fight while unable to see. He needed all his assets to face Kami. Listening intently, Mithias forced himself to control his fear and thought. It was surprising how vile Kami's blood was. The little that had sprayed him had done excessive damage to his flesh and attire. He could only imagine how much pain Hale was in from having been practically covered. He couldn't keep wounding Kami, or he would only get burned as Hale was. He was going to have to try to get in a single, lethal strike to kill the oldblood. He would only have one chance, if any, otherwise it was over. Finally, as soon as he had healed enough, Mithias reopened his eyes, and the horrendously bloody scene cleared from the blur before him. Hale and Kami were viciously tearing each other apart. Hale was quite an enormous beast and grotesquely wounded, but still recognizable. Mithias crept closer, attempting to not to be noticed just yet. Magnus was gone. Hale was holding his own, bitterly. Mithias could have run as Magnus had. Hell, it was the smart thing to do. Running was an valid, self-preserving option, however it meant that Hale would probably die and then... Mithias looked quickly and saw Hank. The heroic fledgling was still there, seemingly paralyzed with indecision. ...Hank would certainly die as well. Mithias looked at him, the one vampire he had made. He was never going to be able to say he was sorry or explain why everything was the way it was. A flash of white light flickered from above as he looked in Hank's eyes from a distance. Expressionless, with his mind completely unable to be read, Mithias took a last look at Hank, then wordlessly turned away. Running wasn't an option. It never really was. In this world, you lived or you died. Hale took Kami to the ground, then Kami threw him into a wall. The two fought to a point where Hale was bashing Kami's face in with large chunks of stone as best he could. Werewolves were so brutal, yet it was impressive. However, as a vampire himself, Mithias knew brutality alone would not end Kami's immortality. Mithias approached from behind the oldblood as he was taking a beating and drew back his right sword. Kami was vulnerable. Now was the time! Just before he could strike, the very earth beneath both of them just dropped straight down. Mithias fell into the collapsing pit all too close to the ninja-cyborg-vampire with acid blood. "Hale!" He shouted, more out of the sudden surprise of falling than expecting Hale could actually do anything about it. As the rock, mud, and dirt settled, Mithias called out from somewhere in the deep dark pit. "Hale, we have to finish him! Kami is not yet slain." A vampire needed to either be decapitated or have his heart destroyed to be truly dead, and that had not yet been done. But Mithias' advice fell on angry, deaf ears as Hale attempted to bury Kami with a wall of rubble. Mithias leapt out of the tunnel to avoid the rubble that Hale pushed down into it. Mithias gritted his teeth and clenched his blades, just waiting for Kami to rise up once more like a recurring nightmare. Hale was a blooming idiot. "Hale?" There was no way Hale was paying attention. The beast was probably too damaged to care. Mithias cursed. They had lost their one chance to take advantage of Kami's weakness. Mithias looked at Hale's massive, bloody back. "Alright. Then we run. We run, right now. Hank!" Mithias' shout woke Hank up suddenly. "Come with me, Hank. I promise no harm will come to you, and you will get your answers."