Well. That was a rather fun battle, despite the minor injuries, validating his theory was a wonderful experience and something he'd have to write about later. Perhaps a small sampling of these remains would work well as he already began to scoop up some of the grey dust the zombies turned into a small vial. Now that the scientific inquiry was sated, perhaps it was time to take a gander at the treasure, for surely the dead had no need for their ramshackle gear now. Although that the flying bird had already seemed to nab a wand of sorts, the S'augwin preferred to see if the treasure itself held clues as to what is going on here. Or perhaps some sort of necromantic artifact. No, just a small bag of holding a he quickly identified, having used several of these himself for expeditions, although they had been looted during his scuffle with humans. And 5 Bronze pieces. Not much of a treasure, probably disturbed across the community to which he left the coppers behind. Well tin and coppers really. "As an adventuring party, the rest of us seem a bit under focused here, why worry about the dead and something which is clearly not an imminent threat. The goblin really ought to stop crying over the dead and the past, it's not like they can be brought back after all. Well, they were I suppose, but after this state of dust I highly doubt a necromancer can resurrect them again once more unless they were quite the skilled magus who would have had to have some training in advance multispecies anatomy. To reorganize these assorted dead cell particles into complete tissues would be a nearly impossible task. As for the human, given that she, yes I can discern human genders mind you all, is behind a ward, I highly doubt she is of threat to us. And if there is something generating this impass, it is either originating from her or she is a prisoner trapped by it to which she is of no threat. If sourced from her, we can simply wait while the barrier either fades, or she lacks the energy to sustain herself. Of which sounds like a wonderful idea right now as I could use a short break to replenish my magical energies... Oh and if she is a threat, and has acquired a similar condition to these zombies, a simple healing spell should work against her. Or if she is a living human being, perhaps It will heal her injuries at which we are free to interrogate her and quite possibly vivisect her for a closer study of effects of necromanctic energies due to her possible exposure?"