Crossing his arms over his chest, Solares turned his attention away from the Turian Cabalists and towards the male human who was now attempting to explain the situation at hand to him. With his left hand he tapped the fingers of his left hand against his armor while listening attentively. Apparently they were currently heading to the docking bay where the human hoped the rest of his squad would be waiting for them with a ship, ready to evacuate them from the station. The whole plan sounded rather sketchy, especially how they would have to protect tech-specialists while they lifted the lockdown upon the docking bay. “As soon as we try to lift that lockdown I am sure someone is going to be informed about it. I would recommend just blowing the door open but as we all know that would inevitably cause the whole hostile force to charge our position. You have a Geth with you, sorry that I do not know your name, so I would like to recommend letting him remove the lockdown. He would be the most efficient and qualified person for this job.” Of course this was just his opinion, though he had seen Geth hack and disable electronics with little to no effort. Behind the two Cabal Turians, he could hear a familiar voice start lecturing him about how much of an idiot he was for shooting at a hostile from behind the group while being unannounced. To his surprise, an old friend appeared before him, the Asari known as Voira. "Good to see you again Voira." he nodded his head at her before speaking once more, a smirk now spread across his face. "I doubt it would of have ended well for me if I would have ran up behind the group in my armor then yelled at everyone before shooting a hostile. For all I know, I could have ended up like that Krogan over there." he pointed at the now dead Krogan who was lying motionless in a pool of his own blood. "It's a long story Voira about how I worked part time for C-Sec then ended up here. In fact I do not wish to elaborate upon the subject further, perhaps later I will explain. Thank you for telling everyone here that I am not a hostile though, being killed is not at the top of my priorities." Gently pushing past the two Turian Cabalists in front of him, he chuckled lightly to himself as he saw RK, the VI that belonged to Raa. "Seem's Raa didn't take my advice on the modifications to make you less obnoxious, RK. Speaking of which, how is my favorite Quarian doing, holding up alright I hope?" Solares moved the Raa's side before placing a hand on her left shoulder. "You seemed shaken during the battle, once you are in enough of them that won’t happen anymore. I am more concerned about your wellbeing though, you were not hit or caused too much mental trauma were you?" he asked, looking over her to make sure she was not wounded during the fight.