After the hostiles had been neutralized, Avatar grabbed one of the Turians' weapons before Donny could break it down. The shotgun it had been using was effective for some circumstances, but an assault rifle could fill a more versatile role. It was a rifle in the "Vindicator" line of weapons. It was not the most recent model, but was known to be 10% less likely to fail than the current version, at the expense of 8% less kinetic force per shot. Avatar quickly scanned the Turian soldier's face once he removed his helmet. His file identified him as Solares Vanore, a man in service of the Turian military who was present as security. Though, it gave little other information of note. The conversation between him, Raa, and Voira did indicate that he was familiar to them, and gave some details about him, but Avatar judged that there was not sufficient time to maintain a conversation. If enemy forces behaved as expected, they would be converging on their location within two to four minutes. Likely, they would be forced to hold against at least one enemy attack. Raa, and the other diplomats who were rounding the corner, showed signs of stress from the fight, but dedicating time to calming them would not be worth the additional risk, Avatar judged. "Warning: it is not advisable to remain here. Hostile forces may converge on our location shortly. I recommend moving into the security station and establishing a defensive position while I attempt to access station security." Avatar had noted before that, despite the fact that the group had not reached a consensus, Donny had prompted the others to follow him simply by taking action before anyone else. Avatar decided to integrate that tactic into its approach by moving to the door to the security station nearby and opening it from the control panel beside it. Immediately, Avatar stepped into the room and moved inside along the wall with its rifle at the ready. Within moments, it detected movement in one of the corners, on the far end of the right side of the room, a Turian woman had been attempting to hide behind a row of weapon lockers on the wall, but the angle from the lockers to the door gave a clear line of sight. Unlike those in the hall, she was wearing civilian clothing, but a facial scan could not identify her as a member of the Council delegation. Likely, she was one of the civilian crew of the station. The woman stepped out from behind the locker holding a common "Predator" pistol, which she was pointing in the direction of Avatar and the others entering through the door. Based on her breathing rate and the noticeable trembling in her hands, she was significantly afraid. "D-don't step any closer! I'll...I'll shoot...I mean it!" She stammered.