Alexander somewhat tiredly, that was certainly... different from what he expected. Although since he wasn't sure what to expect he supposed it could've been anything and it would be different from what he expected. Carefully getting to his feet he looked behind him to see his new familiar puking up the chicken it had consumed. A side effect of the ritual no doubt, Wynn finished his meal and have a sigh of content. It was very delicious, spaghetti always was his favorite. Now it was time for dessert, he looked at the candies he had, something called a creeper. Curious he unwrapped it, immediately and much to his surprise, the small candy jumped away leaving the store. "Hey come back." he stammered somewhat belatedly and began chasing it. He had no idea where it was going but it was a fast little bugger, he could barely keep it in sight. As it rounded a corner he finally caught triumphantly saying, "Got ya!" standing up he saw a remarkably pretty girl with long smooth brown hair who looked slightly older than him. "Uh, hi there. I was just catching my candy." he said gesturing at the still wriggling candy as he brushed the dirt off it with surprising ease. "I guess it was following you or something, magic candy I guess." He said shrugging and popping it into his mouth satisfied with the taste. "So what're you doing, if you're still shopping you should finish up we have to go soon I think."