[quote=@DJAtomika] [@Kingfisher] Well that wasn't clearly stated enough I'm sorry. Was a pissy night for me last night. Got rained on in bed cause of a huge rainstorm that hit my camp. Got woken up at one in the morning to doors slamming things shaking and rain spraying in through windows that can't be closed because of how old this army camp is. [/quote] [quote=@Kingfisher] Her monsters swarmed over the control room, flicking switches, pressing buttons, and [b]smashing consoles[/b]. All across Santa Somabra her minions were swarming through the grid,[b] shutting off power plants[/b], generators, and back-up generators. Then the city went black. [/quote] Its written right there. HOWEVER I appreciate that a lot of time an effort has gone into your collab, so I'd ask that we go with Tsar Gatto's suggestion, and end up with a situation where some of Santa Somabra, perhaps the more upper-class neighbourhoods, regains power, and other areas are left in darkness, atleast until the situation can be properly rectified.