*thud* . .. ... *THUD* [i]Ow.[/i] Mirabel shook her head. The first thud was the wall of the box hitting the floor, apparently it was metal. The second thud had been Mirabel tumbling out of said box, and hitting the floor herself, shoulder first. Apparently THAT was metal too. Somehow. [i]I sure hope no one heard that...[/i] Moments before Mirabel had been stuck in a dark, cramped box, with almost no memory and no idea where she was, and she had had to cut her way out with...something. The cold ground that greeted her solved at least two of those problems; it was no longer dark, and it was no longer cramped. Her stomach seemed to be freaking out, and she had to remain completely still to avoid throwing up. It eventually ended, and Mirabel managed to sit up and get her bearings. Looking around, she took stock of her surroundings. Pale blue lighting, dim. Stacks of crates and netting. Lockers. It seemed to be some sort of storage area. Cargo bay jumped into her head. Suddenly her vision shifted, and words started appearing [b]ON[/b] her eyes. [color=f7941d]. .. ... SYSTEM REBOOTING . .. ... TACTICAL ASSESSMENT SUPPORT UNIT T.A.S.U [color=39b54a]ONLINE[/color] --- RUNNING DIAGNOSTIC MARK 7 CYBERNETIC ARM - MOTOR FUNCTIONS: [color=39b54a]ONLINE[/color] - HIDDEN BLADE: [color=39b54a]ONLINE[/color] - STRENGTH ENHANCERS: [color=ed1c24]OFFLINE, SELF-REPAIR IMPOSSIBLE, EXTERIOR REPAIRS NEEDED[/color] - VIBRATION SENSORS: [color=39b54a]ONLINE[/color] [color=ed1c24]MARK 1 CYBERNETIC COMPUTER INTERFACE - OFFLINE, SELF-REPAIR IMPOSSIBLE, EXTERIOR REPAIRS NEEDED - INTERFACE PORT: DAMAGED - INFILTRATION PROTOCOLS: UNKNOWN - ANTI-INTRUSION METHODS: UNKNOWN - INTERNAL MEMORY: UNKNOWN[/color] MARK 6 CYBERNETIC EYE - VISION:[color=39b54a] ONLINE[/color] - INFRARED VISION: [color=fff200]OFFLINE, INITIATING AUTOMATED REPAIRS[/color] - NIGHT VISION: [color=39b54a]ONLINE[/color] - HUD: [color=fff200]...[/color][color=39b54a]ONLINE[/color][/color] Icons started appearing all over her vision, overloading her senses momentarily. Eventually it settled, and Mirabel started picking her way through the data in front of her. Mission objectives were unknown, or there were none. It took her a moment, but she closed it by thinking at it real hard. [i]Okay. So I'm some sort of cyborg, with a metal arm that conceals a knife, no mission or information about my purpose of any kind, and an unknown location. This day gets better and better...[/i] A miniature map was located in the top-right of her vision, but MEMORY UNAVAILABLE kept flashing on it. Mirabel closed that as well. All that was left were incredibly basic functions; a 'compass' that allowed her to keep her directions straight, an image of a female human that blinked green, yellow, and red in the indicated portions (front and back), some sort of gauge that read 'Bio-electric energy', and a highlight function that allowed her to more easily make out the different objects in her vicinity. Mirabel started to feel very antsy all of a sudden. She wasn't sure why, but she knew she needed to get moving. She was very exposed sitting on the cold floor like this, and if anyone heard the noises she had made, she would be expecting company. Putting her make-shift door back as best she could, Mirabel scanned for a decent hiding place. [i]There...[/i] She spotted a corner in which some crates were stacked in just the right way to create a shadowy recess. She went to the bottom of the pile, closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and, on a hunch, let instinct do the work. She nimbly climbed the crates, and settled into her hiding place. She had no idea how long to wait, someone might not have even [u]heard[/u] the noise she made. There might not even [u]be[/u] anyone else around. Still, it was better to be safe than sorry, and as she waited, she finally started to notice the ever so sleight vibration that permeated every surface she touched. Eventually, her enhanced vision also allowed her to notice one other thing: the dent her shoulder had left in the floor. [i]Shit...[/i]