Matthew Harvester || The nature doesn't like idiots may the 1st “arg finally i got freedom” Matt grumbled as he jogged through the park. After the events of Sunday Matt thought he could get time to rest, but it turned out he needed to work through the week. It’s not like he was going to say no and risk losing his job as Matt did like having more than the bare minimum of money. He thought of doing a few things this week like going to check up on the girl who they saved as that seemed to be a thing. But Matt just didn’t have the time. “*sigh* I didn’t even get to go to the tournament at the arcade” There was so much he could have done but hey he got payed so what else is there to complain about. After a bit Matt slowed down to take in the scenery instead of grumble to himself, as an avid lover of nature Matt had always wanted to see Cherry Blossoms. They seemed to be so beautiful in pictures, but in reality they were even more beautiful right in front of him. you know sometimes when you are gaping at awe at something like an idiot you shouldn't keep jogging. It’s a shame Matt doesn't think like that. “its so beautiful” Matt muttered before tripping over the pavement face first onto the ground. “MOTHA FUDGING HELL” Matt yelled in English as he rolled on the floor holding a blood nose.