[hider=Information] ============================================================ [b]Saurians[/b] [b]Population:[/b] [color=8fff3d]68[/color] ○ [b]Village:[/b] [color=8fff3d]61[/color] ○ [b]Scouting Party:[/b] [color=8fff3d]7[/color] [b]Important Figures:[/b] [color=8fff3d]Sithalin[/color] [b](Chief) |[/b] [color=8fff3d]Senith[/color] [b](Chief's son)[/b] [b]Semi-Important Figures:[/b] [color=8fff3d]Syera[/color] [b](Huntress) |[/b] [color=8fff3d]Serthal[/color] [b](Expert crafter) |[/b] [color=8fff3d]Sithel[/color] [b](Hunter)[/b] [b]Technology[/b] [b]Stone Tools:[/b] [color=8fff3d]4/4[/color] [b]Construction:[/b] [color=8fff3d]4/4[/color] [b]Map Making:[/b] [color=8fff3d]1/4[/color] ============================================================ [/hider] [@aweirdgamer] Sithel glanced back at the others with excitement. It seemed to have worked. The creature in front repeated a similar gesture to its own people and spoke another word. He felt certain that the two species had successfully introduced each other. Some of the others saurians whispered the word back and forth. "Sithel, perhaps it is not a good idea to attempt conversation with these things..." One of the saurians mumbled. Sithel looked at him confused. "Why not?" "They could be dangerous. They aren't animals, but they aren't saurians. Who knows what alien thoughts go through their mind..." Sithel frowned. "Don't you think they would have attacked us by now if they had ill-intent? They revealed themselves without a surprise attack and even left us fish." The saurian didn't reply. He merely turned back to the creatures and continued watching them suspiciously. Sithel sighed and turned his attention back to them. He needed to think of another thing he might be able to communicate that they would understand. After taking some time to think about it, Sithel finally gestured towards his hunters again and said "Saurians." He then turned and pointed his hand towards the direction they had come from. "Village," He then said. He had no idea how they would interpret this, but it was a mostly simple gesture. It was still possible they would understand it as they did earlier. At this, however, there were protests from the other saurians. "Now you tell them where our village is?!" The saurian spoke up again. Sithel hissed at him. "If you're so terrified of them, go back to the village by yourself!" "I will!" yelled the Saurian. He hefted his spear and turned to storm off into the trees. Another saurian gave Sithel a worried expression then left as well. Sithel looked at the remaining four hunters. There was a moment of silence before one stepped forward and bowed his head, both of his fists on his heart. "I will remain loyal, Sithel. I shall stay." The three others looked at the saurian then seemingly reluctantly saluted to Sithel. Sithel bowed his head in return. "Thank you." - "-And that is all. What you should be doing right now, however, is planning to build your soon-to-come-family a cabin," Said Sithalin. Senith scratched his fin, confused. "What of Syera's hut?" Sithalin sighed in frustration. A couple of hours earlier, he had sat down with Senith to give him a long talk to explain things he needed to know. Up to this point, every youngster figured it out by themselves. Senith had mostly done so already, but Sithalin had his reasons to explain certain things to him. "You can't move into [i]her[/i] hut! And, do not forget, it has not been reconstructed yet. It's small and weak." "I see..." Senith mumbled. Sithalin patted his shoulder kindly. "Do not worry, it will not be that difficult, what you did was natural at a time like this. You will be able to handle the situation, but you must learn to grow up, son." Senith nodded. "Thank you, father. I'll try." Sithalin smiled. "Go now, start making plans for your future." Senith nodded again. He stood up and exited from the cabin without another word. Sithalin shook his head sadly. He was worried for his son. It was too soon for Senith. Saurians as young as him starting families was not unheard of, in fact it was somewhat common, but Sithalin did not believe Senith was truly ready. He was willing to help him through this time, but he wasn't sure how much he could do. He could only hope Senith would learn in time.