[b]1 Month Before: Anhur, Eagle Nebula[/b] "[i]There is no honour in this fight.[/i]" "Then we came up to the guy and shot him right in the fucking face. His buddies knew not to mess around with us anymore and limped away. The smell of piss could be smelled for miles!" The room filled with a huge roar of laughter, drinks spilled all over the tables as good mates shared stories of previous exploits. Banha smiled at the scene and took a swig of some good Human Mead, the sweet nectar tickling his tongue before the strong kick of alcohol hit him like a truck. "Ahhh, nothing is better than a good drink and the taste of victory. Eh, Varhak?" He felt a huge hand pat on his shoulder, his eyes widening in pain before gesturing for the man behind him to sit. "Banha." The old Krogan grunted, his deep gravelly voice may be confusing to some but not to the Batarian. He's heard it too much. "There's some news from John. He's got something on that Shadow that's been fucking around with us." The jolly mood suddenly ended, everyone in the bar suddenly going silent. A lot of them has dealt with the Shadow before and everyone in the room has some beef with them. Every Yakuza hated them "The infamous Shadows huh? Those guys tore up the Hiroshima Territories real bad." The five territories of Yakuza. Kyoto, Nagasaki, Tokyo, Osaka and finally Hiroshima. Each governed by one of the Five Generals. Due to the size of the Yakuza, Banha needed to spread the workload out. So he made the different territories, naming them after old Japanese cities. He then chose four of his trusted members to govern each territory. Reia of Nagasaki, Varhak of Tokyo, Nathaniel of Osaka and Erkon of Hiroshima. Of course, Banha leads the Kyoto sector, the one based around Anhur. "Hiroshima is in ruins. Erkon was killed on the way over to the meeting. Reia and Nathaniel has arrived safely. As of this moment, the Hiroshima Territories are no more. We have no influence in Omega." Banha clenched his fist. If it was revealed to the public that Hiroshima has fallen, it would be a sign of weakness to their adversaries. They would pounce on the wounded Yakuza, crippling it or even finishing it off for good. He looked around the bar only to see solemn faces around the room. There was no honour in this fight. No open battle, just chapters falling one after another. The sound of the door opening awoke the room, heads whipped to see who broke the tension. It was a Turian, dressed in a traditional kimono, a uniform enforced by Reia. It was a simple thing, shades of black and grey with a small patch on the heart with the Hiragana for Nagasaki on it. The alien looked solemn and timid, it seemed that news has reached far. Nagasaki had always had close ties to Hiroshima, therefore the Yakuza in them had ties too. The Turian's headband had the number "35", the Batarian noted. "The meeting has started Banha-dono, Varhak-sama." He gestured for them to follow him before walking calmly out of the doorway. The two old pals looked at each other before following the man. Before exiting however, Banha looked over at the occupants of the room behind him. "Today is a day of victory, celebrate and drink. Hold your women tight and party until the end of the night. For war is coming tomorrow and we need you all ready." He closed the door, uncaring if they don't follow his instructions. If it was war that they wanted, they shall have it. [b]Fifteen minutes later[/b] Banha entered a grey room, with a round circle table in the middle. The walls were grey, ceiling and floor was grey and the only thing that decorated the dark and ominous room was the banner at the other end, the ferocious Yakuza [url=http://www.tattoostime.com/images/345/chinese-yakuza-dragon-tattoo-design.jpg]dragon[/url]. An Asari sat on the right side, wearing a beautiful floral kimono. The red, pink and blue colours complimented her azure skin, her distressed eyes flickered toward them before returning to talk the other person in the room. Nathaniel was dressed in a simple tuxedo, the human man not recognising their entrance into the room. Varhak sat alongside Reia while Banha sat next to Nathaniel. There was solemn silence between the four leaders, feeling the weight of loss on their shoulders. The Turian who led the Batarian in politely nodded his head and closed the door behind him. "We need to reclaim Hiroshima." He nodded, agreeing with the Asari of the table but it seemed like the others did not agree. "Hiroshima is a wasteland for Yakuza. You know what the situation there is. They've wiped almost all presence in the territory and resistance is quickly being put out. We cannot afford to retake all of Hiroshima." Reia snarled at the local Krogan, the stoic male from Tokyo not giving a care for her anger. "Please be reasonable Reia" Nathaniel started "I understand that the loss of Hiroshima hurt the Nagasaki hard but we can't do anything about our situation. The loss of Erkon hurts us all and if we will deal vengeance, we will deal it intelligently and immediately counter-attacking the enemy now to retake Hiroshima is inherently stupid." This went on. Banha sat there as the meeting went by. Arguments and insults flew around the table, even Varhak looked like he was about to blow. Banha spoke. "Silence." The other generals looked at the founder, the original Yakuza. "I have received news from John. Varhak can confirm this. They have been spotted in the Pylos Nebula, it seems that they have some activity there. I will be taking the [i]Katana[/i] First Response Group. There will be no arguments, only I will be going. If you do not hear from me for two weeks, assume I am dead and appoint John as the new leader of Kyoto. This is my word. Swear on your lives and your men's lives that you will follow my orders." There was silence. [hr] [b]A Day Before The Present: New Colony, Pylos Nebula[/b] "Fuck." That was the only word that could describe Banha's current situation. He was completely and utterly fucked. The attack completely failed, the enemy was too much for the Batarian's fleet. It was silly really, if you think about it. He had severely underestimated the enemy's resources and size. Of course, they had defeated the Hiroshima Territories but the mighty [i]Katana[/i] First Response Group was a good match for any gang, warlord or organisation. He was wrong. Banha of Kyoto, founder of one of the most influential criminal organisations in the galaxy, is stuck in a colony in the Pylos Nebula waiting for a damn gunship to start working so he could travel to a settlement that has supplies he's running out of. Passing by a few villages and stealing stuff doesn't sustain you and twelve others for long. "Banha-dono, we have fixed the gunships and plan to go for the settlement now." Banha brightened up and marched towards the clearing where the two gunships have been getting fixed. They were patched up with corrugated metal and they looked like they were from a scrapyard but the two outdated but rugged Mantis seemed to in working condition. The Batarian gathered his men and set off to the temporary settlement. When they arrived in the settlement, the Yakuza quickly got supplies for the two Mantis and food. The broken group quickly established themselves in the few fabricated buildings of the temporary settlement. (I'm sorry about the quality of the ending, I just wanted to get the post done. Most of my other posts will probably not be this long but it depends on the situation. Again, sorry for the seemingly rushed ending.)