Before Jade could leave Tirarrian appeared in the doorway, sword bared [color=violet]"Hi, guys... I guess you dealt with that." she sheathed her weapon "I saw the light show and rushed to help, I have some salves and poultices if anyone needs any help."[/color] She looked around the worn-out cast, most had at least minor burns and all of them were covered in soot. An armoured fellow had set up shop behind the bar, and others were endorsing in the age old tradition of getting blind drunk after a fight, including Edict. They seemed to be forgetting the place was still probably slightly on fire. [color=violet]"Might I recommend we all take the time to remember this building was on fire and had an explosion in it, so it could probably fall down at any moment. Could we vacate the premises?"[/color] she looked expectantly at everyone before sweeping to the side and making a grandiose gesture at the door she entered through. [@ArenaSnow] [@IcePezz] [@ElitestPotato] [@WanderingRebel] [@boomlover]