[centre][h1][u]ALEX WEN[/u][/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f9/47/cc/f947ccee49e8f605df6fb9ecd6bfa965.jpg[/img] [b][color=gray]Alex Wen or 'Lex' | Female | 21[/color][/b] [h2]TABLOID JOURNALIST[/h2] [color=gray]She stands at 5"5, with a slim, yet slightly wiry frame. She was close to just skin and bones, but her unique bone structure allowed for decent curves, giving her a little substance to work with. Alex had lived an uneventful life so far, with only a decent childhood to be thankful for. After being born into a middle-class family as the first and last child, she never experienced having to wait or earn anything by herself. Everything was given to her without a second thought, even when she did terrible at school and treated both her friends and family like shit. The girl was ungrateful, bratty and utterly spiteful. As the years flew by without much to recount, she'd finally stepped into the world of adulthood- unprepared and oblivious to the rapid changes around her. She'd graduated a community college with a degree in art and advertising. They were easy to achieve, but then again, that really spoke for her entire life. Being brought up the way she was, Alex expected her parents to wait on her still, eager to serve at her beck and call. To her surprise, the very same people who allowed the toxicity in Alex to flourish had realized their mistake the moment she started demanding more from them. A rather long time ago, if you will. They knew something was wrong, but they never had the heart to decide for their baby girl otherwise, even though that was their job. They messed up, and they knew it. So that's why when she arrived home during the wee hours of the night, she found the house she shared with her parents empty, with the exception of a tiny slip of paper and a couple of her suitcases. [/color] 'We terminated this place's contract. [b][u]Leave by morning.[/u][/b]' [i]Help yourself.[/i] Signed, your loving [s]cash cows[/s] [b]mom and dad[/b] [color=gray]Behind the note was an address to a dingy rented apartment, one that her parents paid for her beforehand. The idea was solid: let Alex have her fun, and once the time was right, have her settle her life by herself in a stinky old shoe-box, with nothing but the bare necessities and a couple twenty-dollar bills. Although, she never knew when they'd ever come back. Alex half-expected for the whole thing to be a prank, or a wake-up call. Hell, even an intervention could've worked. Needless to say, Alex had a hard time readjusting herself to life's cruel ways- and by that, I mean getting a job and sustaining it. It wasn't long before she realized how highly dependent she was, but she was also hard-headed. As if two-and-two didn't go together well enough. Although she knew it, she didn't accept it. Lex managed to scrape up a few hundreds by applying for a job she came across on craigslist. It was rather foolproof, despite the blinding amount of hate she got for doing it. At some point, the countless insults and criticism got to her, as it was something she was never fully accustomed to. Usually, she was on the other end of the stick. The hate finally drove her to the point of mild depression. The young woman now spends her days wasting away on the couch, lazily browsing through TV channels on her shoddy DLP television. At this point, she'd tried almost every form of escapism there is- from writing, to playing around with hookahs and LSD stamps. One-night stands were not uncommon for the woman, either. Especially on those late, late nights when the haters retired to bed. Those were the rare times they left Alex alone to do whatever she wanted. There were no bounds for Lex, even though her actual world usually had her confined within the safety of her flat. The drugs took her to a world further than her own - to a reality where she maybe hadn't taken a turn for the worst. [s]Or been a giant bitch.[/s][/color] [color=lightgray][i]Due to her upbringing, Alex has this 'get-what-I-want-when-I-want' attitude, and she makes this clearly obvious by demanding for something after asking for it nicely. The girl tends to spout venom every now and then, at anyone and everyone who gets in her way. In order to get what she wants, she does anything she deems necessary; such as pretend to be a friend or offer help, which she quickly retracts once the situation calls for it. Lex is manipulative, pragmatic and has a quick temper to match. Although she is far from kind, she does have the ability to hold people close to her [s]non-existent[/s] heart - although it is rather rare, considering even her parents haven't ever crossed that threshold with her. Ever.[/i][/color] >Alex can read and write pretty damn fast. >She can articulate a clump of ideas in her head, allowing her fast reaction times. [/centre]