[b]Kanros and Sauranath[/b] Kanros did not understand why the Dragon Lord got so quiet for he had just challenged Kanros, it did not make sense for the Dragon Lord to completely forget about Kanros so he decided to try and speak Sauranath out of his trance. So he turned to the Dragon Lord and asked. [@ActRaiserTheReturned] "Sauranath what makes you so quiet?" Kanros asked obviously confused why Sauranth became so quiet, that made him wonder if there was something going on somewhere else and Sauranath was getting a message of some sort. "Has something happened Sauranath?" He asked forgetting about Sauranath's challenge but it still lay at the back of his mind because he never forgot a challenge but he wondered what was wrong and why they had been taken here and why he had been taken with Sauranath.