Everything was fine at the shrine this morning. Yumiko hovered over her ilk grandfather,... "Yumiko,.. Can you go and get some medicine?" She heard coming from behind her. She turned to see her father. "Yes, father..." She asked. She rose up going to the door. She put on her sandals and exited. She made her way to her room and entered kicking off the sandals. She was about to remove her kimono when she saw Toji. He sat there on her bed staring at her with wide eyes. She blew air up through her bangs in annoyance. "Toji seeing as you are here. Can you untie me?.." She asked. He gulped and rose up and pulled the fabric. He quickly looked away as it fell away. He felt a little flushed as he looked to see her almost naked. All she had was her panties. He looked away again as she turned around. She smirked and pushed her hand into his forehead as she moved to her closet. She put on her favorite Mikku shirt and her black skirt. She then picked out her favorite boots. She got them on her birthday from Tojen. A man who had her quite confused over. He asked nothing in return except that he would get front row seats at the next festival. She liked them too. She took her bow and stuck her hair through it. Looping it around. Once she was set she prepared to leave. "Toji,... Can you help out my father? He is trying to get my grandpa better so no one can attend the charm stand and look after the wishing tree." She asked. He looked to her and nodded. "Yes ma'am." She was almost out the door of her room when she heard him say that. She turned and glared. "... Sorry, I meant yes Yumiko" she smiled. With that she left the room and the building in which her family stayed. She headed out going under the arcs and down the long steps. She made a right and saw that two college girls standing there. She sighed and once more blew some wind up at her bangs. She reached the sign and instantly felt their eyes on her. "Look Hikari,... Miss perfect is making her way out of her pretty palace." They said. She ignored her and just whistled. "Don't ignore me you stupid..." The other girl said as she grabbed at Yumiko's pony tail. Out of instinct she rose her foot up and kicked behind her. Her boot slamming into the girl's shin. The girls head went forward, while Yumiko's head went backwards slamming it into the bitches face. Breaking her nose. Yumiko turned around and rose a fist at Hikari. Hikari flinched, and Yumiko sent her fist into Hikari's face. Both were on the ground holding their hands to their faces. Yumiko scouffed and once the bus arrived she entered. She paid the fare and took a ride down about five miles into Tokyo. Once it hit the right stop she got off thanking the driver. She proceeded to move and began to pass by a soup shop. She saw Toji there as usual. He looked up from his newspaper and smiled. "Miss Yumiko, pleasure morning to see you in town. Still having problems with your grandpa?..." He asked. She stopped and looked to him nodding. He put the newspaper down and rose from his stool and embraced her in a hug. Once they pulled away Tojen brought out a wad of cash. He pulled a couple thousand yen out and handed it to her. "Get him some of the good stuff,... He was always a nice guy. Took care of me a couple times." He said gesturing to his arm. She followed the finger to a scar. She smirked and punched it. "I did the stitches not him,..." He chuckled and nodded. "Yeah,... Anyhow be safe Yumiko. Weird shit is going around." He said. She nodded and walked off. ........ Meanwhile. A good sized rat rotting of decay was moving about a alley way with two or three others. They moved in for prey and when they did they lunged at a passer by. The businessman hit away two with his briefcase, but one dug into his arm and he yelled. With the help of a foot cop and a newspaper store own they were able to crush the rodents. "Thanks,... That never happened before..." He said and the other two had to agree. The guy in the suit continued off rubbing the bite mark made by the rat.