Once Ash was sure he was out of her sight, he felt himself slump slightly against the two that were carrying him. He heard voices but couldn't tell what they were saying, although he could tell they were male and female at the very least. He jerked slightly when he felt a hand press against his forehead. "He's definitely got a fever, and judging from his sudden collapse, probably fatigue too." the woman's voice spoke in a soft tone as she and the man adjusted how they were carrying him. The two placed Ash on a cot to see just what was afflicting the man. "It was a bandits blade...poison..." he murmured trying to help their efforts glad for the opportunity to lay down. One of the two was trying to take off his vest to get at the injury better. --- The woman watched as Vivian began digging through her bag for something. She gave a puzzled look at the Soul Crystal wondering just what Rura had planned, looking at the letter the woman presented to her she took it and opened the envelop looking at Vivian's name written on the parchment as well as the symbol. The woman passed her hand over the symbol and her eyes seemed to glaze over for a moment as she attained the information hidden within the symbol. Blinking her eyes a few times the woman looked over to Vivian and gave a small smile. "I am the Elder Sage Elvira. The symbol on this paper contains a lot of information, most of it pertaining to you and your situation here Vivan. I suppose Rura wanted to make this easy on you so you wouldn't have to explain your story every time you came to us." Elvira spoke in a calm tone as she looked back down at the paper. It seemed that Rura didn't tell the woman everything, Vivian felt a little guilty sending the woman on a journey she assumed was just to get her home. Mentally debating with herself the woman was interrupted when one the assistants that left with the man returned to the room to speak with her. He walked over and looked at the Elder Sage before bowing his head and speaking in a low tone so that only Elvira could hear him. She gave a nod of her head before looking back to Vivian. "I understand you need me to transfer my energy into the crystal for you so you can continue. However before I pass on my energy I would ask that you stay here for the night, your companion probably didn't let on how injured he was in whatever fight happened before you got here. My assistants have been able to help him with their healing skills, but he still needs a night of rest to recover from the fatigue." Elvira spoke as she returned the envelope to Vivian. She needed time to prepare to transfer her energy anyways, just so Vivian didn't know what the price was for the energy transfer. She had a feeling Rura had done the same thing in order to protect the young woman from guilt. "If you would follow me, I can show you to a room you can use. If you are hungry as well I can have some food brought to you." Elvira offered as she led Vivian off down a hallway that branched off from the side of the main room. Down the hallway were some rooms used by those who visited the temple and needed a place to stay over night. The rooms were very simple, each one containing a cot to sleep on with a simple blanked and pillow. A basin to wash up with, and two lanterns in opposite corners of the room. As Elvira showed Vivian one of the rooms she looked at the woman. "Would you like me to have something to eat brought to you?" --- Ash sat up on the edge of the cot where the assistants had left him. His side was bandaged up, they hadn't bothered doing more than putting a salve on the gash on his head from the hystop. It had taken a lot of their energy and magic but the man and woman assured him that the poison from the blade should have been drawn out of his system. The fatigue he felt however was not something they could heal, and he would have to rest in order to help with that. Hearing that made Ash feel guilty. He knew they would have needed to rest and get food somewhere tonight but if he hadn't gotten hit by the blade they could have kept on moving and rested at a nearby inn. Ash hesitantly tried to step on his feet, not sure just how fatigued he was. He stood and felt okay at least to stand and walk. He moved around the room a bit to make sure that he wasn't going to collapse. Moving over to the door he opened it hoping he could at least locate Vivian and apologize to her for making her have to wait on him.