Done! :) [hider=Ayn Lofton] [b]Name:[/b] Ayn Lofton (Pronounced with a long A, Ayyyyn) [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Sex/Gender:[/b] Female, Cisgender [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heteroromantic asexual [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Eye Type:[/b] Bright, pale blue [b]General appearance:[/b] Ayn was taught by her parents that looking somewhat presentable, even if there's no point, will make a person have a better attitude. Even though it can be somewhat unwieldy, Ayn keeps her long black hair in a braid that ends at her waist. If Ayn finds that it is becoming longer, she cuts it as she ends up sitting on it. The strands just short enough to not stay in the braid frame her face and she keeps her bangs short enough that they do not interfere with her vision. Most of the time the braid is swept up into a type of [url=]bun[/url] on the back of her head. Ayn is rather proud of it as it took her most of a year to accomplish it for the first time. Ayn stands at 5'6" and while she is lean she has plenty of muscle for her size. Ayn tries to wear comprehensive outfits, but often fails. She refuses to wear trousers and will choose any other piece of lower clothing, no matter how ratty. Her favorite outfit would be a T-shirt or sweater with a somewhat-short skirt and leggings with the whole outfit somewhat coordinating color-wise. Because beggars can't be choosers, however, she is often found in whatever she can find that is most comfortable. Recently she "found" (probably stole) a pair of brown leather hiking boots that she wears almost constantly. Her outfit is always completed by her [url=]necklace[/url] and knife (wherever on her body she has hidden it this time). [b]Personality:[/b] Ayn is rather optimistic, but not ridiculously. She has an calm, upbeat demeanor that seems to either attract or repel people, depending on their attitude. This is exacerbated by the fact that Ayn has a hard time dealing with negative emotions, both within herself and others. To keep from becoming sad, Ayn refuses to acknowledge any hurt within her past, locking away negative memories. Because she has done this within herself, she doesn't know how to deal with people when they express negative emotions. Her shallow emotional range has lead to a lack of meaningful relationships as she can't seem to comfort people who are sad and refuses to talk about any of her negative experiences. Her upbeat demeanor, while not conducive to intimate relationships (not that she wants them to get physically intimate anyway) has lead to a large network of passing acquaintances that she often finds helpful. Ayn can be annoyingly stubborn, often to the point of childishness. While she often shows anger, it is often in a playful manner. She can be quite manipulative, purposefully pushing people's buttons to get what she wants. Her 'sticky fingers' sometimes get her in trouble as because she never stays in one place she resorts to stealing to get along. What some would call a 'bubbly demeanor' masks Ayn's true intelligence. While because she is always on the move she cannot possess a library, she always has a few books in her pack that seem to rotate with every city that is passed. Her inexhaustible thirst for knowledge is what motivates her forward in life; it doesn't matter what the knowledge is, and it doesn't necessarily have to be useful. Ayn seems to know a little bit about most things but is an expert in nothing. Due to her parents' training she has both tactical and logical reasoning and is very observant, normally more than she lets on. While she doesn't really like fighting she is fairly good at it, enough to defend herself from one or two average attackers. [b]Special Objects:[/b] Ayn's [url=]necklace[/url] was given to her by her mother, who crafted it herself, although it is unknown when or how. It is a wonder it is not completely broken as Ayn never takes it off, even when she sleeps (and Ayn is a rather fitful sleeper). In fact, it never scratches, rusts, or really anything else; it just is. Ayn doesn't know what it is made out of but it is always cold. Ayn's double-edged knife was given to her by her father and the blade seems to be made out of the same material as her necklace. It is also cold to the touch and refuses to be damaged at all by normal wear and tear; the blade doesn't seem to dull, although Ayn still sharpens it just in case. The blade is about seven inches long and is kept in a tough leather sheath. [b]History:[/b] The first experiences that Ayn remembers are of her and her parents travelling from place to place, her parents often staying in each town for a few days to buy supplies and perform odd jobs. Ayn was effectively protected from the corruption in the cities by not being allowed to leave the place they were staying in. If the place was particularly bad, one parent would stay with her outside the city while the other one went in. By overhearing discussions between her parents and directly asking them herself, Ayn learned that her mom used to be some sort of scientist and her father used to be a warrior (though that was probably embellished, he was probably an assassin, gang member, or something less glorious). When Ayn asked why they no longer had steady jobs in their professions she would get very vague answers, though she did know that they were running from something; her parents had used to live in a city but something had happened that they had to leave and were constantly chased. Every once in a while one parent would come rushing back to the residence declaring that they had to leave and Ayn often saw her parents nervously scanning the landscape, looking for danger. When she was eight years old her father started teaching her how to protect herself. At that age it was mostly using a knife, but over the years her father taught her more and more complex fighting styles with different types of knives. When she was twelve her father even started training her on a small sword, which quickly became Ayn's favorite weapon. Since an extremely young age Ayn had known how to read, and her mother made sure she was constantly supplied with more and more advanced titles. While Ayn would read novels, she didn't like them much. Her mom would give her short lessons on the many facets of science, but nothing that hinted what area her mother had worked in. Both of her parents tried to teach her how to survive on her own: finding food and water, gleaning details from her surroundings, and even ways to steal effectively (which Ayn excelled at). During her twelfth year her parents became more and more paranoid, refusing to stop anywhere for more than two days, and never all in the same building. There were more and more 'scares' in which they had to hurry away from wherever they were staying. For her thirteenth birthday Ayn was given the knife she currently holds dear. Ayn knew it had not been bought during her lifetime as she remembered seeing it with her father's things in her earliest memories. Even though Ayn begged to help her parents out in the city, she continued to be treated just as she was as a small child, if not more protectively. One day during her fourteenth year after a day in which her parents were particularly tense and they had to leave town early, they camped on the edge of a forest in what was arguably the middle of nowhere. Ayn doesn't remember what happened that night in detail and is not sure she wants to. In fact she lives in fear of the day the memories will come flooding back, one of the reasons she avoids discussing tragedy or sadness. What she does remember is being grabbed, blood, blood everywhere, people in weird outfits, a sword through her dad's chest, her mother on the ground, reaching out a bloodstained hand toward Ayn with the necklace clutched inside, and running away. Running far, running until her feet bled. After that things are more straightforward. Ayn was found by a large family travelling a long way who cleaned her up and took care of her for about two weeks, leaving her in a modestly small town after Ayn assured them she would be fine. While her parents had been extremely wary of the cities, in small towns or gatherings of houses Ayn had been able to travel with her parents to learn prices, haggling, and other basic skills needed in such places. At first Ayn tried to stay in the town, but the locals found her somewhat suspicious and Ayn had acquired some of her parents' paranoia, so she left with the first wandering group that would accept her. Throughout the 3 plus years after her parents' deaths, Ayn wandered the land with whomever would take her, sometimes taking jobs in cities but most of the time just stealing to get by. Over the course of those years Ayn explored the cities, failed a few relationships, perfected her knife-fighting skills (swords were too expensive, too hard to steal, and often stolen, though she still loved them), and read many more books. While she wanted to find out the secrets behind her parents and their deaths, she also didn't want to face the truth and knew that asking about them would set off alarms. She developed her happy personality as a way to make coping with the world easier. After a few years she started getting bored and losing her drive. That was when she heard a group of demons talking about some sort of 'cure'. [b]Animal companion:[/b] A year after her parents' deaths Ayn saw members of the group she was travelling with surrounding a barn owl that they had shot out of a tree with a rock. Ayn saved the poor creature from their torment (even though it would have made a good dinner) and nursed it back to health, though it didn't take much. After releasing the bird back into the trees, it didn't leave but kept following Ayn around. Occasionally it would drop a dead rat at her feet and occasionally Ayn would give it a piece of meat from what she was eating. After a while with the bird following her wherever she went (although it just stared when she got in trouble, not helping, it did let her pet it sometimes) she named it [b]Faisal[/b]. [b]How did you join:[/b] One day she heard a few demons in a bar talking about some sort of 'cure'. She moved closer to hear their conversation, but even they didn't know much about what was going on, just that a few guys, one of them some kind of scientist, were looking for and might be close to a cure and that they had gone by recently. Ayn, who had been rather tired of wondering around aimlessly, became very excited and decided to track them down. Ayn thought that travelling with someone engaging in that sort of scientific endeavor would be exciting. If she begged maybe the guy working on the cure would have books she could read or would teach her some things about his profession. He might even know something about her parents. Eventually she found the group and begged to join them (by walking up to them and literally falling onto the ground before them and begging--her backup plan was to follow them obsessively whether they consented or not, though she didn't know how that would work out). [b]Other:[/b] --While she is not sexual, she does long for physical affection. --Ayn is rather crafty, making small creatures out of bits and pieces of leftover materials. What legitimate money she makes comes partially from selling such creatures for small change. While she is good at writing grammar-wise, she would never be able to write a novel. Furthermore, any attempt at drawing results in something unrecognizable. --Has no prejudice against demons or any specific type of person due to both her upbringing and amicable personality. --Normally easily accepted into groups due to her tendency to break up fights and try to settle issues fairly as well as her generally upbeat personality. Impossible reality. [/hider]