A flash of distast went through him, watching the young human, a wizard he suspected, entered the throne room creating quite a stir. His face remained neutral, but he still scanned the girl for any particular signs of a threat, able to pick up on the signs quickly and easily. He could detect nothing from her. He fought back a grin as she realized where she was, his eyes shinning with amusement at her embarrassed behavior. His fingers tapped on his leg quietly, still feeling the want to move and act. His eyes were already on Brother Vas before he even spoke, having spotted him when he first appeared in the door. Not very often could a person sneak up on him. Many had tried and fail, almost ending up with a arrow between their eyes, depending if he deemed them dangerous or not. As Brother Vas addressed him, he lowered his head slightly in a small bow, but didn't move from his position. The next person that came in certainly drew Talas's attention, scanning the person. He seemed to be much like him in behavior and tactics, however lacking a bow. At least that was a difference. As Eyrin began speaking, his gaze changed to look at the King, nodding at the order to stand with the group. He split himself from the shadows, walking from the group, lowering the hood from his head as he did so, long blonde hair and elven ears becoming noticeable. Once he reached the group, he bowed to the Emperor, having much the same movements as Sayrin had done a few minutes before, but not remaining in that position. He listened carefully, his face keeping his blank expression, but on the inside he was raking is brain for possible tactics and ways to defeat these demons. He knew it would be dangerous, but with good fortune on their side they would succeed.