[color=deepskyblue][b]Jessica[/b][/color] [color=gray][b]Thompson[/b][/color] [@Cuccoruler][@ArkmageddonCat][@TheDarkTemplar] Jessica was listening behind the door. She would admit that Cia's penchant for diplomacy bothered her. Jessica was more of a, shoot first, ask questions never, kind of person. [color=fff200][i]"It's fine, we need to talk with Jessica. We're with the Conclave."[/i][/color] the woman on the other side of the door claimed. [color=00aeef]"Yeah, I'm here to replace her...she's needed pretty urgently, but I insisted we stop so I could pick up these chocolates for the kids."[/color] the man said. She knew this was fishy. The Conclave had assigned her here for the day. Why would they send a replacement so soon. On top of that, she'd never seen these people. She breathed in deeply and stowed her gun. Whoever these people were, she was confident they wouldn't have an issue hurting the kids or Cia. "Oh that's right my replacement. They told me about you," Jessica lied, moving behind Cia and looking into the man's eye. "I just need to talk to you two outside for a quick second. There's something that I was supposed to let you know and it's for Conclave ears only," she said, gesturing to Cia. She pushed pass the pair outside the door and turned to face them, waiting by her car. She didn't know how convincing she had been but she figured that it would be suspicious if they didn't come with her. Besides, they obviously knew her by name, so they were probably here for her. As long as she could keep them away from the sticky little orphans inside, she'd feel good about this plan.