It was an ordinary day for the young Miss Kazumi, popstar of japan, she was just getting into work with her suitcase dragging along and like always a load of paparazzi were at her feet, taking photographs all the time, she just managed to get through her doors when she tripped over the moment she entered and sighed to herself. ‘Grrr!!! Will they not LEAVE ME ALONE!!!???’ getting up quickly she dusted off her newly-designed fashion which she designed all by herself and saw her manager ‘Aah!’ he grinned ‘Morning Kazumi!, how was your trip!?’ he was obviously taking the piss and she didn’t really like that, so straight up she answered with ‘oh it was totally great, I went to the bahamas and everything’ with the added sarcasm. The manager helps her get her suitcase up the stairs into her studio and he opens the door for her, allowing her to walk in, she finally placed her suitcase down and sat on a chair; allowing a wave of stylists to come hither, Kazumi just sighed softly; feeling lazy because she never really had to do this herself. ‘Come on ladies!’ he clapped his hands ‘make her beautiful for her next photoshoot!’ they all gave him the ‘Don’t you fucking dare do that’ look and just proceeded to do her hair and makeup, leaving the manager to leave in embarrassment.