As a waitress set her glass of tea before her, Aura couldn't help but wince at the sudden itching and burning on her wrist. The waitress seemed to be looking down at Aura's wrist with excitement and, glancing down, it wasn't hard to tell why. Her marking now had a faint glow to it, accompanying the burning itch in it. Most likely intending to be helpful, the waitress indicated a rear booth and whispered "[color=f26522]That gentleman just walked in, he must be the one![/color]" With a muted sigh, she smiled at the waitress and mumbled "[color=1a7b30]Thanks.[/color]" The waitress walked off, leaving Aura staring at the one who was, most likely, her soul-mate. He had long dark hair, as well as a small goatee. He certainly didn't look overly distinguished, but she was a soldier, not a CEO, so she didn't have incredibly high standards as far as that went, so there wasn't really a reason to make a fuss about that. She couldn't deny however that her heart was quickening at the sight of him, but that was probably just because of how big a deal she'd always been told this was. She couldn't very well just ignore it though so, with a final breath of courage, she got to her feet and walked over. Standing in front of his booth, she froze for a second and nervously played with the name tab on her uniform before finally saying "[color=1a7b30]Uhhh, hi. My wrist started uhh, burning when you came in, so I figured it's worth a try..[/color]" Clearing her throat, and chiding herself for being so timid, she steeled her resolve and continued "[color=1a7b30]My name is Aura Kalstov, 1st Lieutenant in the US Army. Is your name Alli..Alla...Alekayser? I'm sorry, Google may've told me it's Norwegian but it didn't teach me how to pronounce it. Would that be you, by any chance?[/color]" Aura was beginning to waver on the spot, nervous about being shot down or, even more embarrassing than that, being told that wasn't his name, but she again steeled her resolve. She was a Ranger, not some high-school girl talking to her first crush, she could bloody well handle this.