[i] "And can someone else hop on these last turrets? It doesn't take a bloody expert to shoot at something."[/i] Raresk hissed angrily at her from his position in the turret. "Raresk is shooting as best he can under the circumstances." He said loudly as he finally managed to nail one of the TIE fighters dead center and it seemingly erupted into a ball of debris that forced the other nearby remaining TIE fighters to scatter for a moment. [i]Scorekeeper watch over me[/i]. He thought as he continued firing at the enemy fighters as the ship headed for the planet. He checked the targeting computer and noticed that two of the TIE fighters were splitting up and heading towards the ship in what appeared to be in an attack formation that he was familiar with. "Warm-blood!" He shouted to Tara. "Raresk thinks the fighters are going to attempt to destroy the turrets! Try and blast them before they get a clear shot!" He let a soft growl as he tried to anticipate the fighter's moves and unleashed a salvo of blaster fire on where he thought it would be.