[b]Nono, Castle Tepes[/b] Nono nodded confidently as Saber finished up the instructions, no real disagreements to be heard. As far as she knew and was concerned, the strategy part of the session was over, and they could go on to other things. They were in a cool castle, and it would be a shame to not explore it after all. Who knew what sorts of things there might be? With that said though, she did have one issue that she wanted to discuss, and she took a step closer to Saber as she voiced it. "Hey, Onee-sama. when you have the free time, do you think you could teach me how to sword fight? I mean, only if you want to, but I figured it would be good if I could be useful when fighting in close quarters too." She had her fists, but this would be better. She'd talked to Gintoki about it before, and now she was confident enough to ask already. Hopefully Saber would agree. Question posed, she waited to see what the King of Knights would say to her request, prepared either way. [hr] [b]Misaka 10032, Academy City[/b] Misaka watched with a neutral expression, and yet a careful watch, as Lucina scooped up the various items that had been spilled on the street, before the hat was handed back to Marisa. She remembered the last time that the Witch had escaped, and she would be ready for any further attempts. That much she was willing to claim, and the Network backed her up. "Until next time," Misaka said as she walked off with Kakine and Marisa, whilst Touma was being assaulted by his companion. Again. You would think he would be able to do something about that given the previous physical feats he had displayed beyond Imagine Breaker, but that was not the case. It seemed that his weakness was either tiny holy persons, or sneak attacks from behind. With that done though they could get back towards their intended destination, ironically closer now that they were near the Gardens. She took a moment to consider inquiring of her older sister, but decided against it. Business first. She doubted that Misaka would approve of what she was currently doing, even if it was in a good cause. Walking along, the Network helped coordinate, to make sure nothing else ended up in their path. Marisa was not amused, that much was obvious to collective determination, but it didn't matter given her previous escape. "That information is classified," Misaka replied when asked why Aleister wanted to meet with Marisa. If the Witch couldn't remember herself, she did not deserve to know from them. For now, they simply needed to get there. [hr] [b]Ilyasviel von Einzbern, [i]Foecrusher[/i][/b] Ilya watched the ongoing conversation with expressed disinterest, involved even though she didn't want to be. that aid, she was making some effort to ignore the armored knight, given that the weird sword she was using kept giving her headaches when she tried to copy it. It just wasn't worth the hassle, given the effort involved and the weapons she had. It probably couldn't match Kanshou and Bakuya anyway. Ignoring the fight that might be looming, Ilya was more interested in the weapons that the Ork produced, which he claimed might be able to help them in their attempt. Those seemed interesting, though she wouldn't claim to know how they worked. But if they did the job they were made for, they would be good enough, Her attention shifted once more to the lady with the katana as she explained what had happened, and their ignoble failures, earning a snort of derision from the girl. Obviously they had failed before, but she had a feeling that this castle would be so lucky this time. they had her after all, and if anything would turn the odds it would be that. But in the vein of multiple plans, she tried to think up something. A shrug then on her part before she spoke up once more. "I might be able to punch a hole through to that gem," she noted aloud, considering her options. She'd never actually used Cadalbolg II as a drill before, but since that was what it did in legend (through a mountain, but still), it should be able to do that now. Of course, she wouldn't be opposed to any other plans that might crop up. Which she added to. "Otherwise, it'd be good if we could draw them out of the castle, or infiltrate in somehow, with some of the less evil looking people here." That'd be hard, but it might be worth it. [hr] [b]Cinder Fall, Museum World[/b] Cinder walked as calmly as she had been thus far as they exited the burning museum, the villain not even bothering to look back at the inferno she had caused, which was currently being combated by emergency services. It had served it's purpose, and the lost treasures were of no concern to her. They would not matter in the end anyway, not once her plan had reached fruition. More impressive, and noticeable, was the group that showed up, UMMA personnel if she didn't miss her guess. They seemed well armed, and even had a specially prepared cell for her to boot. That earned a look of appreciation, even as Blake ordered her inside. Which was in and of itself worthy of a sigh, but she refrained from that at the moment. Instead, she went for the dig, smirking slightly as she took a step forward. "All this for me? I'm flattered," she said, leaving it unclear whether it was sarcasm or not, before she entered the chamber. She would have her chance soon, that much she new. She just had to be ready for it when the time came.