[quote=@RPforthatPR] I love DayZ, though I never explored the lore much (I was too busy fighting zombies or bandits off every second!). I had an idea for a military type Russian the other day, I'll definitely write him up... It's fine about the mistake, I've done worse. [/quote] There's not much lore to it, none that I could find (otherwise I'd of just stolen it, haha), so I've made it up pretty much. I think in DayZ, they're supposed to be actual zombies, but I'm at odds with the idea of some rigor mortis infested corpse sprinting down the street. RAGE from 28 Days Later made much more sense in my head. Not only that, but in DayZ the infected make similar noises to RAGE victims in the 28 films, so yeah, that's what we're rolling with. In fact, here's a quote from the wiki: [i]"The Infection appears to cause loss of personality, fluent speech and complex thought, accompanied by a massive increase in violent aggression. The infected can still see and hear, and will attack any uninfected human who has attracted their attention through noise, movement, or displaying bright lights at night. Due to a lack of higher brain function, they are incapable of picking up objects, operating simple mechanisms such as door handles or climbing ladders. When passive and unstimulated, Zombies will roam around aimlessly (occasionally varying their walking direction and field of vision). Once they are alerted to a Survivor's presence, they will become aggressive and actively start chasing them (this is usually referred to as "aggro"). In this state they make angry noises as they advance towards the spot where they last saw or heard their prey, until their target is either dead or lost. Once within range they will attack in the form of frenzied physical blows and kicks. (They also appear to feed on dead Survivors.) Although they have varying levels of speed and physical capability, most Zombies can move as fast as a healthy Survivor and they do not appear to get tired * as of .55 they do tire rather easily -- presumably due to the Infection. They lack normal human biological requirements such as the need to sleep, and are able to survive exposed to the elements in conditions that a non-Infected human wouldn't. However, they are still susceptible to conventional injuries. Zombies will also attack animals, who in turn will flee from them. This can lead to a zombie chasing a deer or a cow for long distances."[/i] It's a bit contradictory, as it calls them zombies, but then describes them as infected that are akin to RAGE victims. In any case, it doesn't matter. Zombies, infected, whatever they are, they're nasty and they're fast. Back to you though: Russians are always welcome, I was worried everyone was going to bundle the U.S or play as tourists from Tokyo :P EDIT: Not that I care who plays what; don't feel put off from playing whoever you feel best suited to/inspired to play as. I want everyone as happy as Larry.