Zomura Tojen Zomura sighed and sat back down. "Hey Chou!,.. how much longer for those noodles." He yelled as he began flipping through the newspaper. "Not much longer Mr. Tojen" The cooker answered. Zomura nodded and peaked upwards and saw a business man walk by holding his arm. He smirked and was about to say something, but decided no to. The guy already had a rough day. If he had looked at the business man's face he would have noticed that the effects of the bite had already begun to take in effect. Would not be long now before things would get rather interesting. He placed the paper down and checked the time on his watch. He sighed and saw some kid walking by with a cigarette in his hand. Zomura slapped it out of the teen's hand. The teen turned raising his fist as if to retaliate but froze as he saw Tojen. "What did I say about smoking those damned cigarettes?" He barked. The kid frowned and looked to the ground. The kid was right around sixteen years old. Too young to start that habit and prayed that no kid would ever start. He then noticed from a reflection on some glass a parachute and shook his head. Zomura smacked the kid on the back of the head. "Don't let me see you with another cigarette got it?..." He demanded and the kid nodded walking off. Fucking, stupid kid. Would like to know who his parents were and give them a piece of his mind. He then sat back down and when he picked up his newspaper the cook put down the bowl of noodles. Little did Zomura know, that this bowl of noodles would be the last thing he would eat from this cook. Today his life would change and he would not worry about little jim smoking or anything. Yumiko Ryusaki Yumiko enjoyed talking with Zomura despite his background. She knew he was Yakuza muscle. The guy who knocks on your door to collect your payment. He seemed rather nice though. A lot nicer then the others she has run into. She then noticed the parachute flying down towards the park and she shook her head. Wonder what that is all about. She wanted to go over and see but she was on a errand and Grandpa needed her. She sighed and kept going and recalled that the popstar Kazumi was going to be doing a photoshoot close by. She wanted to at least get a look see. Maybe after she gets her grandpa's medicine she will go see her. Who knows she might want to read a fortune from a genuine priestess. Yumiko smiled at that, She thought it would be cool to do that. Maybe she would invite her down to the shrine, sure would boost up its popularity. All thoughts on the matter were erased when she reached the medicine store and walked in. The bell at the door jingling. The sound caused the clerk to jump up. She moved to the counter and explained her grandpa's situation and that she need to get him medicine. Tojiyama Hitomi He stood there at the booth and waited for people to come in and purchase a charm or to help them tie a wish to the cherry blossom tree. It wasn't as active as most days, but it was just the morning. People would come eventually they always did. He then began to wonder about the old man. He was healthy two days ago and now this?... what the fuck happened to him? Doctor Li "Sir we have a problem..." The doctor said as she buzzed at the door. The general sighed and pressed a button under his desk to unlock the door. He wasn't a Japanese General exactly. Everyone knows the imperial army was disbanded long ago. He was a american, over seeing experiments being conducted over seas where it wasn't illegal to do so. Their own laws restricted them of experimenting with with such sciences. "What is it Doctor Li? I am busy..." Zhen spoke. "Remember how you told us to seal the lab?,... well we found out one of our rats has gone missing he might have been infected." She said and he stopped what he was doing and stood up looking into her eyes. Totally not shitting you type of look. He grimaced and bit his lip. "We must find those rats... containment is the only answer."