Sean took a seat as Danica stood there, then the scene unfolded around her as a man stepped passed her looking rather vexed. Working a brow she turned around and watched what happened, a smirk coming to her lips in approval to his handling the bullies. American or not, she didn't care. No kid should be picked on by anyone. As he spoke to her she nodded and bowed to him. "Thank you I will give those a try," she said in Japanese as she turned around and changed her order and added an extra bowl for the man since it seemed he had lost part of his meal due to someone from her country. Picking up a few napkins after she paid the extra she walked over to him and held them out. "Sorry about them, trust me, we aren't all like that," she said to him in his native tongue. Sean just sat there wondering what she was talking about since it didn't matter how much they traveled together he always just let her be the translator. "Lass, everything okay?" Sean asked in his thick Irish accent as he looked at the two of them. Danica turned and looked over to him nodding her head yes. "Yeah, everything is fine. He was just being kind and I figured he could use a napkin after everything," she said before turning her attention back to the anti-bully enforcement agent.