[quote=@Serperion] Nicola began to dispel her Volsunga and ran and gave Vincent a hug, to which he only blushed. Miraiko sighed and looked at Robert. "By now you know the drill. Hand and first question, what is your biggest fear?" He said holding his hand out and holding his small blade in the other. [/quote] "Running out of suits. These particular suits, at least." Robert stretched his arms out and ran his hands along the sleeves, his face briefly twisted in ecstasy. "High quality material. Soft, breathable, self-repairing. Finest in the Aozaki brand. Next?" Only prana flowed from the cut Miraiko made. Miraiko looked troubled at the revelation, while Robert looked smug. "Greatest goal in life?" Miraiko inquired. "Friends. Friends who appreciate good suits." Miraiko again looked troubled as the process went smoothly. "Now, something you've never told anyone?" Robert scoffed, "That's easy. I've never told anyone the secret of how to actually acquire these suits. I'm the only person on the planet with them, after all." Robert leaned in close to Miraiko, whispering in his ear, "The secret is that they really aren't that rare, I just like to give the illusion of rarity so that they, and by association I, seem more interesting." Miraiko was none too pleased with Robert's answers, but could not doubt the veracity they held. The process was finished, and Robert stared at the blob in his hands. "Hm. Kinda liquidy... I feel less like I should shape it, and more like I should let it shape itself. Go with the flow, so to speak."