"In this country two types of americans there are. There are the Americans who come to enjoy what Japan has to offer,... Then there are those two. They give the other a bad name." He laughed. He was surprised that she understood his language. Pretty well in fact. It was a good way to show respect. He then took the napkins whipping his lap. "See me and Chou here,... Have a deal. See my organization targeted him and his shop as a good target for collections. " he said. "My deal with him involves this bowl of noodles. If I eat here for free I would pay his protection money for him. That tells you,... Not everyone in the Yakuza are bad people. Everyone just has there own way of surving." He said. He said this in between eating. He then eyed the parachute. "So your the thrill seeker? Where you going to next?" He asked. He gestured to Chou making the gesture that he needed something to drink. Chou grabbed from a small fridge a bottle of coke. He handed it to him. He twisted the lid and took a drink. "Besides this is my neighborhood. I grew up here. It would be just bad of me to not help out."