Danica chuckled somewhat and nodded. "Yes, it seems there are two sides to every group of people," she said, continuing to speak in Japanese to be polite. She always tried to speak in same native tongue as those around her, even if she wasn't fluent and was reading from a translation book. Danica felt that when you go into someone's home you followed their rules as best you could. To her it was rude not to make the effort. Right now she was just thankful she was in a country where she spoke the language well enough not to need to keep referring to some book. The order came up and Sean brought over Danicas bowl and the one she ordered for the kids savior and sat it down. "I'll be over here if you need me," he said in English before taking a seat at another table. He knew to leave her alone when she was talking to the native folk and for him he would rather eat alone as he went through the picture he had taken during hee jump. "Thanks Sean," she said in English before switching back to Japanese. "Oh yeah, thrill seeker. Us crazy Americans I know. I write for a travel magazine, so I try to find different things to do. Hoping to head out tonight to find a new climbing spot," she said as she patted hee climbing bag. "Yakuza? I guess that explains the ink work, I take it you had those done the traditional way with wooden bamboo and dipped ink instead of my way with a modern needle," she said as she pulled up her t-shirt slightly and turned to show a small portion of the ink work covering her back. "Name's Danika Graves," she said as she lowered her short and looked back over to him. "Mind if I join you? Or would it ruin your reputation to be seen with a gaijin?"