[quote=@Deadnaut] [/quote] Alekaiser was somewhat surprised at first seeing someone walking towards him, especially one who was wearing an army uniform. Horrible thoughts quickly rushed through his head of what the heck his other half had done the night before but he kept a straight face and internally breathed a sigh of relief when it wasn't about his full moon change. When she mentioned her name he looked at his own arm for a second having not memorized the name to see if the name was a match and found out that it was making him unsure if he should feel joy or terror. "It's Alekaiser, no 'y' but it's close enough. If need be just call me Al, most do who can't pronounce it right," he kept himself calm as best as he could somehow worried that any wrong word would screw the entire moment ",Pleasure to meet you Aura, unique name you have. Can I offer you a seat in this booth?" He wanted to mentally smack himself to some degree on how stupid he probably sounded but was stuck with the cards he was dealt and allowed Aura to decide on what next to do. "A 1st lieutenant you said? That's impressive," he added ",Can't say I have any grand rank but I'm a programmer if you were curious. A freelancer one."