[@Morte Angelis] [color=Springgreen]"Well I'm able to pick and choose my own cases so, when I am not on one I basically have the time off. Now if I want money I have to take big cases that pay out well, and then get a lot of time off, like I am doing now. But yeah we can figure something out to get some quality time in."[/color] [color=9966CC][i]Way to brag much she doesn't care about our job, and if it gets in the way were are quitting and going to become what you really wanted, a Librarian.[/i][/color] Taylor blushed, he actually liked what he did, and thanked Bobby whenever he got the chance for making them take law. Sometimes he did have a tendency to over "explain" his career and had to catch himself most of the time. As they walked on she began to squeeze his hand, he was staring at her, and looked up to see the car accident. [color=Springgreen]"Ya I'm sure every one was fine, usually they had forensic and more personae if someone got hurt badly or....died."[/color] Taylor whispered the last and then gave her hand some more pressure to let her know he is there for her. Her hand got tighter as they got closer and he couldn't help feeling that this accident went way deeper than just seeing something like this. [color=9966CC][i]Hey hug her or something she looks like she is gonna cry. At least try to be sensitive to her situation.[/i][/color] That was just it though, Taylor didn't quite know what to do in this situation, he usulally didn't know how to handle the real emotional clients on their cases and usually let Bobby take over. So he really didn't know what to do but hoped that this was enough to let her know that he was here and cared. [color=Springgreen]"Ya, lets get inside. Hey are you ok?"[/color] He said as he went to open the door. He heard the officer and wondered if that had anything to do with her pale face and lack of motion. [color=Springgreen]"Annaliza, what's wrong you look sick."[/color]