[quote=@Deadnaut] [/quote] "Right now mostly websites, a few project designs for some new buildings, and some animation work for some test footage for commercials. If I'm lucky a movie once in awhile. It's not always the greatest paying but being a freelancer at least gives some room to ask for your own wages so it works out well in the end. One day I might decide to go more into the gaming industry but for now I'm fine with where I'm at," he said ",Funny, I thought about joining the military before deciding programming. Nearly did but I was a bit overly sensitive to a lot of what was going on around me. To much distractions that kept me from being focused, wouldn't be so good in an actual situation. So hey one rank up in eight years is better then me which is nothing." He joked. "What about you? I mean you aren't in service right now so what do you do?" he asked Aura his nervousness somewhat ebbing away glad that at least she didn't see his profession as a waste of time like some had before. All the while he took the site of his soulmate in. He had never much thought on what his soulmate would look like, but somehow looking at the person in front of him now, seemed to always be etched in his mind.