Cia got back up after she fell. "Sorry about that, I don't always have the best balance." Cia said with a smile to him. The children however started to Cower the moment they heard gun shots. Cia went wide eyed at this. "Into the cellar!" Cia yelled as she used her telekinesis to open the door to the cellar for the others. "I should have known that woman wasn't to be trusted." Cia added. She would have gone to help with the fight but it was over so quick that she didn't have the chance to. Cia at this point was now suspicious of John as she turned to him. "Your a DMA agent aren't you? You came with that woman." Cia said looking at him straight in the eyes. "I honestly don't know what is wrong with you people, choosing to go after and orphanage of all places!" Cia added her face now starting to fill with anger. "You people make me sick." Cia added her eyes went almost blank as frying pan floated up behind John. It then quickly aimed a swipe straight at the back of his head to knock him out.