[h1][center]Louie [color=DarkOrchid]"The King"[/color] Vinston[/center][/h1] [hider=Louie] [center][img]http://alchile.com.mx/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ticher.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] Gender: Male Age: 26 Personality: Louie is very analytic in nature. He was raised in a studious environment and has a tendency to brag about what he knows unconsciously. He is very well rounded in many subjects of life. Louie is a very strategic and will only do things that benefit his well being. Louie has a very robotic way of doing things, most consider him very likable, when he is not being a total jerk. He has no tact and doesn't know when to be sensitive to others. Other than his lack of understanding to others feelings Louie is a very outgoing and friendly person, he would be that friend that would always say whats on his mind and be brutally honest but would not be a jerk about it. Occupation: High School Calculus Teacher Biography: Louie was born as the only child of two wealthy parents. His birth could be the financial bond of two different people. He was raised as the only child, and the maids in his house would call him the "King" of the castle (his house) because his parents were never their. Despite his upbringing he choose to go to public school to learn how to deal with others. After graduating from high school, he went on to college and didn't know what to do with him self, so he decided to do everything. He dabbled in may different fields staying undecided for a long time, until he finally went with education. Louie found his true passion in teach others while tutoring his fellow peers in different subjects, so he decided to teach math, only because in English there where to many "what if's" and math was either it is right or wrong. He went on to get his degree in education and in higher math so that he could teach high school students. Skills: [color=DarkOrchid]Intelligent:[/color] Louie is very smart. He has good math skills, can recite most poetry, and knows basics of most of the sciences. Brain Before Brawn is his motto. [color=DarkOrchid]Strategist:[/color] He has a way with thinking his way out of every situation. Find escape routes, side doors, and short cuts, to get to the goal is his greatest skill. [color=DarkOrchid]Decision Maker:[/color] Due to his lack of understanding of others he is not afraid to make the hard decisions that most won't. If someone became a liability to his survival he would not think twice before removing them. [color=DarkOrchid]First Aid:[/color] He knows basic first aid and some advance methods. For example, stitches, taking care off wounds, dealing with poisons, and broken bones.