[b]Name:[/b] Rowan Cage [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Lean and unassuming with short brown hair. He generally wears slacks and a gray hoody to keep his portal blasters and hidden blades concealed. His skin has become rather pale from spending so much time in laboratories. Also, his eyesight isn’t so great, so he wears a pair of glasses. [b]Method of Travel:[/b] [i]Paradox Engine[/i] – A small metal cube that opens up dimensional rifts by creating a complex time paradox. It first sends a signal to itself one second into the future; that signal causes it to send a detonation signal two seconds into the past so that it would have destroyed itself before it sent its detonation sequence. This shatters the space-time continuum, causing the Paradox Engine and its wielder to be removed from that reality altogether after the first signal was sent but before it was received, thus preserving both the engine and time, and transporting the wielder to another world. This device is regarded throughout the multiverse as one of the most convoluted means of travel, but it gets the job done. [b]Powers:[/b] - Awesome parkour skills. - Competent swordsman. - Excellent perception. He can easily pick a person out in a crowd, see through even the smallest flaws in a disguise, and has unusually good navigation abilities in new areas. - Hidden assassin blades under each wrist. - Portal Blasters: The latest in Aperture technology, they take the indispensable utility of the Portal Gun, and deliver it in a new compact form. The portal blasters take the form of a pair of devices the size of a wristwatch. Right hand shoots blue portal, left hand shoots orange portal. Either one has the ability to levitate objects. The portal technology has also been improved to allow portals to be made on *any* flat surface. [b]Personality:[/b] Generally friendly and sociable, but with a healthy amount of cynicism. Rowan will talk to just about anybody about just about anything… except science. Lord has he had enough “science” for one lifetime. [b]Starting World:[/b] The earth that is run by Abstergo [b]Backstory:[/b] It was supposed to be a typical insomnia study. Rowan had been having a hard time sleeping so he figured he may as well participate. It turned out that white walls and fluorescent lights were just what he needed to get to sleep. When he woke up, though, he found himself hooked up to a strange machine that the science dude was calling “Animus.” Apparently, his ancestors liked stabbing people. A lot. They also liked running around buildings. He didn’t know how long he was hooked up to that machine for, but after reliving his genetic memories so many times he felt himself begin to acquire the skills of his ancestors. It was time to make his escape. After snapping the wacko scientist’s neck, slipping though the security shutters, and running up a down escalator, Rowan suddenly felt the ground give way under him. Nothing broke… except space itself, and he found himself in yet another white-walled room. He had no idea where he was, only that the cybernetic voice that was chastising him wanted him to use the “Portal Blasters” to get to the exit. He vexed the psycho-computer at first with his awesome parkour skills, but eventually he was plunged into rooms where it was physically impossible to escape without the use of the blasters. After what seemed like an eternity, he found a crack in the computer’s defenses, and made it into the inner sanctum of the facility. There he found a strange metal cube with a red button on it. Despite the supercomputer’s warnings of the device’s indescribable danger, Rowan picked it up, and pushed the button. He was free! But where was he…