[@Argetlam350] She gave a slight grin at his tale of almost-enlisting, yeah she'd hear that before from a lot of people. Plenty of people dallied on the edge but couldn't bring themselves to sign on the dotted line, but that hadn't been a problem for Aura. Shaking this thought from her mind, she replied "[color=1a7b30]Actually, I'm still enlisted in the National Guard, and I work for the local police department. Turns out, they needed some military experience for their SWAT team, so they hired me on. Guess you can take the girl outta the Army, but ya can't take the Army outta the girl.[/color]" She chuckled at that, though it was a poor joke to say the least. Her guys had always joked that she had deadly aim and a wicked punch, but the humor of a dead tree. She'd never taken kindly to that joke, and had always had some form of suitable retort to fire back, but true to form she'd never been able to get much more than a pity laugh from the men. After a moment, she continued "[color=1a7b30]So, uhh, do you live in town? I have a house not too far from here actually.[/color]"