[@Eklispe] Skotadi jumped, it had been so quiet and then the sudden rush of noise had scared her a little bit but she soon became calm and said,[color=00aeef]" Hello, again....what do you mean we have to go soon, time is already up, haven't you noticed that it's dark. Anyway, can you please be quiet so that I can hear myself think?"[/color] She hadn't meant to sound so frustrated but she hadn't seen anything since it went dark and was wondering if it was just one of those rules that they made because 'they wanted to' instead of a rule made for safety.[color=00aeef]" What are you doing here anyway?"[/color] she asked the boy in a much softer tone than she had before. While she waited for his answer she listened out to see i she could hear anyone or anything but nothing, she put one of the PoP rocks in her mouth and ate it, she loved anything that popped or was sour, lolly-wise.