"Hey!" Fren squawked and pouted as the mapmaker filched his mug of mead out from his hands, "I am too a man. I joost don't like the old man. He's always harpin on me 'bout sommat. Sides, Hoggy ain't so bad. He'll be commin' long to the cave too! Gonna get somthin' shiny for his shrew." The boy babbled on, mostly talking to himself as the conversation moved on around him. Marzipan rolled her eyes as she moved around the table, "Aye, you won't be rid of me so easily. Somebody's got to wrangle this lot-" She interrupted herself when she caught an eyeful of the Thomas boy standing drunkenly to his feet and going nose to nose with the Bard. The young man, as jealous a lad as she ever saw them, and before she could get more than a warning sound out of her mouth Thomas swung. "Oi!" She shouted as the lad's friend lept to his feet and hauled his drunken buddy out of the hall, and she fixed them with a steely eye as they left. That Gerard was a good lad, he knew the rules well and would make sure Thomas sobered up some before he came in again. "Awww," Fren whined as he hopped over his chair to take the one Jasmine offered, "I never get to see any bar fights. Oh, Hey Hoggy!" With everyone's attention captured by the commotion, no one had noticed the quite drunk hog farmer carefully making his way to their table. He'd been thinking long and hard over his last cup, about the cave and treasure and had finally come round to a decision. "Wystan," He said firmly to Roman, before blinking at him and turning to face the ferryman, "Wystan. Wystan you got room enough on tha' ferry o' yours for me? Cause I've been thinkin, an' you know Gertrude. Gertrude ne'er cared for pigs." Hogarth nodded to them sagely at that, wavering with a ruddy rueful expression on his face. Leaning up he clapped a hand on the mapmakers shoulder, one parts leverage, two parts keeping himself on his feet. "I'll be there ifin you have me or no. No more pigs for Gertrude." And with that odd parting remark he began staggering his way out of the tavern and towards home- most likely to give his wife the good news.