• [b]Name:[/b] Gojira-San (Godzilla; Gojira) [img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/e280/f/2015/073/4/0/godzilla_2014_girl__gamerag3__by_lmpkio-d8lq1r9.jpg[/img] (Color by me; Drawing however isn't) • [b]Age:[/b] 200 Million years (But looks like in her mid 20s) • [b]Gender:[/b] Female • [b]Appearance:[/b] She's 7 feet tall. • [b]Method of Travel:[/b] While seemingly unfitting, she had been imbedded with a teleporting mechanism, by the military in an attempt to get rid of her, that can teleport her to other worlds and anywhere across the multiverse. However, it does have a charge, lasting up to 6 hours per jump. • [b]Powers:[/b] Like her kaiju doppelganger, she has all the capabilities that Godzilla has. [u][b]This includes:[/b][/u] [b]Super Strength:[/b] Gojira is capable of lifting things around 50x her own body weight. [b]Fast Regeneration:[/b] When battling against conventional weapons, such as guns, Gojira is almost immune to such weaponry. Even after taking hit from beams and other things that can hurt Gojira, she can quickly regenerate her skin back ranging from several seconds to several minutes. However, more severe wounds may take her several hours to a day for her to recover. [b]Atomic Ray:[/b] Gojira is capable of unleashing a blue ray of atomic energy at her foes. It's hot enough to blast through steel and other metals. She is also capable of unleashing a [b]Red Spiral Ray[/b], which is 5x more powerful then her regular beam, though thats only if she's enraged. Rarely documented, she has been known to unleash an even stronger beam called the [b]White Holy Ray[/b], one that has the power 10x that of a regular ray. Only been used twice when she was overloading on energy. [b]Nuclear Pulse:[/b] Gojira can also emit atomic energy in all directions from every inch of her body in a short-range pulse. [b]Great Swimmer:[/b] Gojira is known for being an excellent swimmer, holding her breathe for long periods of time. • [b]Personality:[/b] Gojira is usually silent and solitary, preferring to be left alone. When angered, she is a powerhouse of destruction and only few things can actually stop her. However, when with allies, she can be very protective to the point where she is willing to sacrifice herself for a noble and important cause. • [b]Starting World:[/b] Earth-1954B • [b]Backstory:[/b] We all know that Gojira, or basically Godzilla, is the giant, massive, King of the Monsters that crushes cities in his wake and protects Earth from various threats, mostly those cause by other massive kaiju. However, in the universe of Earth-1954B, these kaiju are actually super-powered beings. While the timeline is more or less the same, Gojira's timeline is a giant combination of the 4 Series known as; the Showa, the Heisei, the Millennium, and the Legendary Series. her saga lived longer then any modern humans came to evolve, her reign going far back as 200 Million Years ago, during the Permian period. After the Permian extinction, she went into a deep slumber, sleeping at the bottom of the ocean until the year 1954, where nuclear tests awoke her and made her presence known once again. At first, she was seen as a malevolent beast of destruction, until other bad kaiju came to destroy the Earth. Gojira had saved Earth countless of times from threats such as; King Ghidorah, Destroyah, Orga, Gigan, and even SpaceGodzilla. She had then been given respect by everyone for being an anti-hero of sorts. However, some still wanted Gojira. gone from the planet. They invented a teleportation device that was charged to send her far away from their planet, some predicting to another universe. They successfully planted the device onto the back Gojira's neck and sent her far away into another universe. While the 1% cheered at this major victory, unknowingly to them, it appears that Gojira can actually control the use of that device, making her teleport to any multiverse she pleases (though has to charge for 6 hours after every jump). This means that she could come back to her home universe at anytime that she desires, only thing is that she doesn't know that she can really do that yet... Never the less she continues to travel the multiverse alone, wanting to find a new and peaceful place to call herself home... [b]Sound (If you see a time from anywhere between 0:00 - 9:24 with no visible video in the post, trace back to this video for audio reference):[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZxrx340vWQ[/youtube]